OSL Dosimetry Service

Providing you reliable, timely and more efficient OSL Dosimetry Services with health and safety in mind.

As the whole country navigates the uncertainty of COVID-19, you can continue to count on TÜV Rheinland OSL Dosimetry for continuity of its service. We have been operational since the first announcement of a community quarantine way back March. We are here to support your radiation protection needs enabling you to focus on the urgent needs of your organization. If you wish to know more about our OSL Dosimetry service, click here.

The health and safety of both our employees and yours is our continuing priority.

Over the past months, we have taken precautionary measures to help prevent the spread of the virus. We have implemented key measures to keep our OSL Laboratory operations safer and enabled remote teams to be connected to ensure our services stay up and running at all times.

Recognizing the current challenges brought about by the Community Quarantine in various parts of the country, the unexpected delays in the delivery of the badges and its untimely return have generated innumerable number of follow-ups.

We continue to find ways to make our customer support more responsive and increase capability to accommodate inquiries through the use of our digital channels. We continue to encourage our customers the use of an online banking facility and make use of online courier providers to minimize face-to-face transactions.

Moreover, we like to highlight other important guidelines and reminders to ensure your OSL Dosimetry subscription remains active and up-to-date with us.

Downloadable Forms

docx A1_TUV_OSL Service Application Form (Electronic Format) 47 KB Download
docx A1_TUV_OSL Service Application Form (Printed Form) 45 KB Download
docx C1_TUV_Subscriber Data Amendment Form (Electronic Format) 122 KB Download
docx C1_TUV_Subscriber Data Amendment Form (Electronic Format) 116 KB Download
pdf TUVRheinland_Philippines_Corporate_General_Terms_and_Conditions 72 KB Download

We want to make sure than your questions and concerns are addressed

We have summarized some of the most common concerns for you. Just click on any topic below to know more.

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Keeping in touch, our priority

Optically Stimulated Luminescence or OSL is the most advanced technology developed by Landauer, Inc. for measuring radiation exposure. Compared to thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD), which are heated to determine the radiation exposure, OSL dosimeters are exposed to a light source to obtain the amount of radiation absorbed by the dosimeter. OSL dosimetry utilizes the detector material carbon doped aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) crystals produced by Landauer.

Adjusted Delivery Time

With the on-going community quarantine, our courier partner has updated their service level lead time with additional 5-10 days within NCR; 6-9 days to Luzon; 8-12 days to Visayas and 10-14 days to Mindanao.

Walk-In Guidelines

To effectively provide the highest possible levels of health protection to our staff and other visitors within TÜV Rheinland Philippines Offices, the following health and safety protocols are currently enforced that may entail additional time and steps.

Extended Wear Period

For badges that had been due for return between March 16 up to May 16, your wear period has been automatically extended. Contact your Account Management RepresenTative for this.

Timely Return of OSL Badges

To ensure timeliness of dose reports needed for your timely submission of your facility’s renewal – a timely return of OSL Badges within the prescribed period to TÜV Rheinland Philippines Makati will help.

Receiving Dose Reports

We remain committed in sending you dose reports within the service level time upon receiving your returned badges.  We send out electronic copies of your dose report to your registered email address with us and do check if if this goes to your spam or archived folders of your emai linbox.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about OSL

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What is OSL?

Optically Stimulated Luminescence or OSL is the most advanced technology developed by Landauer, Inc. for measuring radiation exposure. Compared to thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD), which are heated to determine the radiation exposure, OSL dosimeters are exposed to a light source to obtain the amount of radiation absorbed by the dosimeter. OSL dosimetry utilizes the detector material carbon doped aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) crystals produced by Landauer.

What is the OSL dosimeter called?

TÜV Rheinland Philippines offers InLight whole body dosimeters for radiation workers. This dosimeter can be placed in the neck area, abdomen area, and at the extremities. The OSL dosimeter responds to photon and beta radiations and is not sensitive to neutron radiation.

What are the different parts of the OSL InLight dosimeter?

The OSL InLight dosimeter consists of the (Al2O3:C) detector slide, which is inserted in a plastic case that contains the different filters of the dosimeter. It comes with badge holder that protects the dosimeter from different environmental conditions and a clip to position the dosimeter in the body. Each dosimeter has a unique barcode number, which is used to identify the dosimeter’s user, designation, facility, and monitoring period.

How are OSL dosimeters measured?

OSL dosimeters are retrieved after one to two months. After receiving the dosimeters, they will be inspected for any tampering or damage. Then, the dosimeters will be stored in a shielded container until its scheduled date of measurement. After storage, the dosimeters will be measured using an industrial-grade auto-reader. The reader stimulates the (Al2O3:C) material with green light from a light emitting diode source. After stimulation, the Al2O3 emits blue light, which is proportional to the radiation exposure absorbed by the material. The blue light is absorbed by the photo multiplier, which converts the photons to an electrical signal. After measuring the dosimeters, they are annealed or “bleached” to erase the absorbed dose from the previous monitoring period.

What are the advantages of OSL dosimeters over TLD and film badge?

Since OSL is the most advanced technology in radiation monitoring, it offers several advantages such as fast dose assessment, dosimeter archiving, non-destructive readouts, high degree of environmental stability and much more.

When and how are the dose reports issued?

After receiving the OSL dosimeters from your facility, your dose reports will be available in less than 15 working days. The reports can be delivered through e-mail and mail.

Enabling customer support

For more information and clarifications, you may call us at +63 2 8246 1670 for OSL Dosimetry Concerns and +63 2 8246 1671 for Radiation Safety Course schedules. You may also send your inquiries via email and send it to oslservice@tuv.com
