SA8000 Certification

Prove human rights at work through a management system compliant with SA8000
Standards that are certifiable have the advantage of demonstrating to a business partner or customer the efforts a company is making to ensure social standards in the supply chain. The SA8000 (Social Accountability 8000) standard is one such certifiable standard.
SA8000 (Social Accountability 8000) is an internationally recognized certification standard for social responsibility in the world of work. It was introduced by Social Accountability International (SAI) and gained worldwide acceptance. The SA8000 advocates compliance with internationally recognized labor rights as set out in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and other international human rights standards and national labor law.
SA8000 provides transparent, measurable, verifiable standards for certifying the performance of companies in nine essential areas:
- Child Labor
- Forced Labor
- Health and Safety
- Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
- Discrimination
- Disciplinary Practices
- Working Hours
- Remuneration
- Management Systems
We are your trusted partner in these matters. We offer you a single source for comprehensive services that will help you to identify and reduce risks for violation of human rights at work.
Are you interested in an SA8000 certification?
Your SA8000 certification ensures that the social responsibility management system is properly implemented, monitored and enforced

With a certification according to SA8000 you give evidence of you commitment with human rights and gain trust from the public, your partners and customers. The competitive advantage that you gain go beyond the brand development: The transparent guidelines on social accountability standards lead to resilient and sustainable business relations with your suppliers. You give a clear message to potential and current employees that occupational health and safety, diversity and inclusion as well as open communication are a matter of course in your company. With this claim for fair working conditions you attract talents and reduce worker turnover.
This third party certification is respected and recognized by most social complains programs (e.g. amfori BSCI), thus significantly reducing time and budget needed for second party audits.
How to obtain an SA8000 certification

Integrated Sustainability Management System
In order to document your corporate responsibility towards people and the environment, the SA8000 complements existing management systems such as ISO 9001 (quality management system) or ISO 14001 (environmental management systems) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management system) and be easily integrated.
SA8000 in response to the German Supply Chain Law (LkSG)
As SA8000 certified companies must implement an internal management system to ensure that the requirements of the standard are met, they also fullfill the due diligence obligations of the LkSG regarding the human rights and worker related obligations. Read more in our Factsheet “SA8000 and the German Supply Chain Law”.
SA8000 certifications – good to know

Supply Chain Audits
With our experienced experts we examine your supplier behaviour on the basis of relevant international standards and work together to create safe working conditions and responsible business practices.
Find out more.
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Nothing less than the future is at stake. Companies, institutions, public authorities and each and every one of us can play a positive role in shaping the path to tomorrow. We provide you with comprehensive support to ensure that you operate safely, sustainably and efficiently for many years to come.