Process Engineering Software

TÜV Rheinland provides a range of process engineering and process safety software to aid in design, operation and maintenance of plant operations.

In their day to day work engineers are faced with complex calculations and huge amounts of design and operational data. We offer software tools to manage, process, collect and report this information. These process engineering and process safety tools are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with very shallow learning curves. Developed by engineers, for engineers, these solutions make everyday tasks simpler and quicker.

PEL Software Products

The PEL suite is a comprehensive package with software specifically for fluid flow, pressure relief, physical properties, datasheet management and hazard analysis.

Designed by engineers for engineers, the tools are intuitive and easy to use. They can be used to work out every day calculations, for troubleshooting issues such as bottlenecks, or when making plant modifications. The tools have been developed, used and tested in a manufacturing environment to enable engineers to design processes more quickly and more reliably with up-to-date and permanently available design data.

Further information on each of the tool is available below.

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PEL PhysPack – fluid physical properties

PEL PhysPack is an easy-to-use database of physical properties, combined with a powerful calculation engine. You can quickly obtain a diverse range of information both numerically and graphically, for either single phase or multiphase equilibrium and across a wide range of temperatures and pressures.

PEL PhysPack calculates and analyses the physical properties of mixtures, pure components and aqueous solutions. Choose from over 1,500 components and instantly view its constant properties, together with the liquid, vapour, and solid properties over a range of temperatures and pressures.


  • For aqueous solutions, view properties over a range of concentrations and temperatures
  • Specify mixtures using either mass or molar units
  • Over 50 methods to model the vapour liquid equilibrium
  • Performs liquid and vapour liquid equilibrium calculations
  • Calculations available include phase envelopes and critical point, binary plots and azeotropes
  • Reports liquid and vapour phase split and compositions for multiphase streams
  • Performs isothermal, isenthalpic, isentropic and isochoric flashes
  • Tailor the output to your own requirements by specifying ranges and units
  • Results displayed in an easy-to-read spreadsheet complete with quality assurance data for each point and phase composition data for each of the components
  • Graphical displays with links to Microsoft Excel for capturing the output
  • Define petroleum fractions based on distillation curves or boiling points


  • Reliable data - essential for the safe design of processes and equipment
  • Suitable for both expert and less experienced users
  • Simplifies chemical process design
  • Powerful visual displays
  • Documented records for audit
  • Can be transferred into other PEL applications
  • Saves time by giving rapid answers to required data

PEL CAPRE – validated engineering calculations in Excel

PEL CAPRE adds the reassurance of validated calculation methods to the functionality and flexibility of a spreadsheet.

Calculations are an essential part of a process engineer’s job. Undetected errors in calculations can result in poor design. Errors picked up late in design result in delays or costly modifications if equipment is installed. Spreadsheets are straight forward to use but this simplicity is also a weakness as they are hard to check and it is easy to make mistakes. Once created, spreadsheets are hard to maintain and tend to evolve over time as engineers modify them. Once this happens the validity of the original calculation is compromised. PEL CAPRE provides fully documented and validated pro formas and functions with extensive unit conversion capability.


  • Over 30 easy to use pro forma spreadsheets addressing common engineering problems, such as fluid flow, equipment sizing and pressure-relief
  • Excel functions for many process engineering equations to use in your own spreadsheets
  • Built-in units conversion
  • Thorough help documentation describes the use of functions and the basis of calculations
  • ‘Insert function’ tool to help add individual PEL CAPRE functions to your own spreadsheets and produce your own datasheets
  • Search for specific functions and make ‘favourite’ the most commonly used for easy access
  • Change and create sets of units to be saved and used as default
  • Includes standard PEL Tools, such as pipe inner diameter, pipe roughness, K-Value and molecular weight, to insert values directly into spreadsheets
  • Provides a simple system for inserting commonly used engineering equations into Excel to allow engineers to generate their own spreadsheets and datasheets quickly and efficiently


  • Users can have complete confidence in the results
  • Reduces risk of human errors in calculations - essential when working with safety critical equipment
  • Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive
  • Provides a documented record of calculations for audit
  • Improves QA and standardises procedures by everyone using the same set of data and calculations
  • PEL CAPRE can be licensed as an add-on to PEL or as a completely separate programme
  • Reduces checking time as all calculations are in a standard format

PEL Adrian – compressible network flow

PEL ADRIAN calculates flows and pressures for high velocity, compressible gases in a network and is relevant for the modelling of relief streams

PEL ADRIAN calculates single phase high velocity gas or vapour flowrates and pressure drops in piping systems. These may consist of a single pipe or a network. When supplied with the pressure at the inlets and outlet, PEL ADRIAN calculates the flows and internal pressures throughout the network. Alternatively, given the input flows and the exit pressure, it will calculate the flows and pressures at all other points.


  • A number of specific types of equipment are modelled: Contractions; Expansions; Relief valves; Bursting discs; Bends; Fittings
  • Creating models is simple using the drag and drop toolbox and drawing surface
  • Automatic pipe size correction when diameters are changed
  • Table view of the system to allow quick modifications to multiple items
  • Simple tools for internal pipe diameters and pipe roughness
  • K Value calculator for fitting losses
  • Physical property calculator through a simple interface
  • Insert isometric or sketch into the drawing
  • Upstream irrecoverable pressure loss due to friction and the back pressure is determined and reported as a pressure loss and a percentage of set pressure.
  • Relief pressure and the exit pressure, along with the frictional losses in the pipe and across the disc can be modelled to determine the system capacity


  • Users can have complete confidence in the results
  • Reduces risk of human errors in calculations - essential when working with safety critical equipment
  • Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive
  • Provides a documented record of calculations for audit
  • Improves QA and standardises procedures by everyone using the same set of data and calculations

PEL Piper – two-phase fluid flow

PEL PIPER calculates the pressure, flowrate and phase of a liquid, two phase mixture, or gas along an unbranched closed conduit system using rigorous physical properties.

PEL PIPER calculates two phase flowrates and pressure drop through a pipe as well as handling single phase liquid and gas flows.

It is based on the assumption of homogeneous equilibrium flow and determines the equilibrium phase split at multiple points along the pipe to produce accurate results.

When supplied with the pressure at the inlets, PEL PIPER calculates the flow, internal pressure, temperature and vapour fraction along the pipe.

Alternatively, given the flow and the inlet pressure, it will calculate the internal pressure, temperature and vapour fraction along the pipe.


  • Creating models is simple using the drag and drop toolbox and drawing surface
  • Automatic pipe size correction when diameters are changed
  • Table view of the system to allow quick modifications to multiple items
  • Simple tools for internal pipe diameters and pipe roughness
  • K Value calculator for fitting losses
  • Insert isometric or sketch into the drawing tool so the model can be built over the isometric


  • Users can have complete confidence in the results
  • Reduces risk of human errors in calculations - essential when working with safety critical equipment
  • Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive
  • Provides a documented record of calculations for audit
  • Improves QA and standardises procedures by everyone using the same set of data and calculations

PEL Flonet – incompressible network flow

PEL Flonet brings speed and reliability to the process of modelling liquid and low velocity gas distribution networks.

PEL Flonet calculates single phase liquid or vapour flow rates and pressure drops in piping systems. These may consist of piping loops or be ‘tree-like’ in form. Pumps and non-return valves can be included in the system. When supplied with the pressure at the inlets, PEL Flonet calculates the flows and internal pressures throughout the network. Alternatively, given the flows and one pressure, it will calculate the pressures at all other points.


  • A number of specific types of equipment are modelled: Pumps; Pressure and flow control valves; Restriction orifices; Heat exchangers; Block valves; Non-return valves; Storage tanks
  • Models can be made up of reusable ‘sub-networks’, allowing large networks to be developed in smaller sections and understood in detail.
  • Creating models is simple using the drag and drop toolbox and drawing surface
  • An easy-to-use graph tool allows pump curves and other data to be captured
  • Includes a library facility to save and share curves, fluids and sub-networks
  • The presentation of results makes it easy to understand how your model is working:
    • Calculated results and input data can be highlighted or displayed on the drawing
    • Alerts and warnings can be set up for calculated values
    • Calculated results can be presented in a customisable table of results and exported to MS Office


  • Users can have complete confidence in the results
  • Reduces risk of human errors in calculations - essential when working with safety critical equipment
  • Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive
  • Provides a documented record of calculations for audit
  • Improves QA and standardises procedures by everyone using the same set of data and calculations

PEL ProvueDB – datasheet management system

PEL ProvueDB is a simple but powerful document management system with process datasheets at its heart. Installed locally or accessed on the web, your data is available when you want it wherever you are.

The proper management of process engineering data is vital. QA processes for checking and approving ensure that datasheets, calculations, reports, sketches, and other design documents are correct. Revision control for modifications and updates ensure that the most up-to-date versions are used. Information on a datasheet must be linked to the calculations and data it is based upon.


  • Heads-up display of your actions - what’s waiting for you to check and approve, what’s been rejected, and a list of the last 5 datasheets you’ve been working on
  • Full audit trail of what has been changed and why for every data item
  • Visual distinction between issued and revised data
  • Easy navigation between datasheets, calculations, sketches and other linked documents


  • Ensures QA procedures are implemented easily and correctly every time
  • Manages revision control, and enforces checking and approving
  • Provides easy access to the latest design information from multiple locations so you are always working with the right information
  • Allows storage of your Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Visio models, PEL calculations, and other files
  • Allows easy navigation between datasheets and the design calculations they are based on
  • Easily adapts and incorporates existing datasheets

PEL PEW – validated engineering calculations

PEL PEW saves design time and costs by bringing together a collection of important and frequently used chemical engineering calculations. There are calculations for fluid flow, heat transfer, mixing, and vessel calibration.

All the calculations have been verified and documented with extensive online help. The interface is presented in a standardised, easy-to-use format and the results can be displayed in tables and graphs.


  • Fluid flow calculations for compressible, incompressible and gravity flow; manifold & symmetrical T junctions; pressure drop through expansions/contraction; orifice and restrictor calculations; two phase flow regime
  • Compressible flow calculations are available in isothermal and adiabatic modes and are valid up to approximately 0.3 Ma.
  • Heat Transfer calculations for Heat Transfer Coefficient; Pipe Heat Loss; Vessel Heat Loss; Simple Heat Exchanger; Tank Solar Heating; Finned Tube Heat Transfer; Batch Heating and Cooling Times
  • Mixing calculations for Vortex Profile; Table of Power Numbers; Speed versus Power;
  • Equipment calculations for Vessel Calibration


  • Users can have complete confidence in the results
  • Reduces risk of human errors in calculations - essential when working with safety critical equipment
  • Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive
  • Provides a documented record of calculations for audit
  • Improves QA and standardises procedures by everyone using the same set of data and calculations

PEL Logidraw – fault tree analysis

PEL Logidraw is an application for drawing fault and event trees.

Fault tree analysis involves drawing a logic diagram to show the logical links between certain failure (basic) events, such as operator error or component failure, and an undesired outcome (top) event, such as an explosion at an oil storage depot.

The diagram can then be used in two ways:

  1. Qualitatively - to show the combinations of basic events sufficient to cause the occurrence of the top event
  2. Quantitatively - to estimate the probability or frequency of an event

PEL Logidraw helps you create fault tree diagrams by adding each of the basic failure events as a series of inputs and then linking them using AND and OR logic gates. Each input can be quantified typically as a probability or a frequency, with the output of the final gate providing a frequency for the final (undesired) outcome.


  • Visio based drawing tool for fault tree diagrams
  • Fully automatic left to right layout
  • Automatic checking of Logic validity
  • Automatic input sensitivity calculation
  • Copy, cut, move, and paste fault tree logic to any part of the Visio drawing. Then use the automatic ‘fix layout’ action to layout the diagram
  • Copy and paste any part of the fault tree logic into Word and most other Windows applications
  • Logic can be constructed on multiple pages


  • A common fault tree that maximises the involvement of others and helps develop a correct hazard analysis
  • Saves time by eliminating tedious manual drawing and redrawing of fault trees as they are developed and modified
  • Hazard analysis is always logically valid because Logidraw allows only logically feasible combinations of events

Range of licensing agreements

PEL is available through a number of licensing options. The structure is very flexible and can be tailored to suit your needs. We can provide any combination from single user standalone licences for one component, through to unlimited global licences for the complete suite.

30 day free, no obligational trial

30 day free, no obligational trial

See the benefits of PEL for yourself. Download the PEL software here to start your evaluation.

PEL Human Reliability Analysis (PEL-HRA)

Human failures are responsible for up to 80% of accidents and feature in almost all major incidents. It is therefore important that companies do as much as they can to consider ‘human factors’, in order to prevent major accidents occurring.

PEL-HRA is a software based Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) tool. It uses recognised qualitative methodologies to help improve the understanding of tasks and sources of human error. By following a series of defined steps aligned with the HSE ‘human factors roadmap’, the PEL-HRA software provides a structured and documented approach for the assessment and management of Safety Critical Tasks (SCTs).


  • Manage site list of SCTs - customise prioritisation
  • All SCTs and HRAs contained in one tool - keeping track of progress
  • Criticality scoring of tasks - Easy to update / review
  • Developed by experienced safety and HRA practitioners with understanding of COMAH requirements and all high-hazard operations
  • Recognised methodology


  • Demonstrate compliance with COMAH safety standards for the requirements of the safety report
  • Provides a structured approach which increases documentation consistency, reducing the risk of human error
  • Identification of error types allows each one to be mitigated appropriately improving performance
  • The software is auditable, strengthening internal control and highlighting areas of improvement
  • Easy to use functionality
  • The tool can be customised to suit your company standards allowing easy integration

30 day free, no obligational trial

30 day free, no obligational trial

See the benefits of PEL for yourself. Download the PEL software here to start your evaluation.

PEL Management of Change (PEL-MoC)

Management of Change (MoC) is a critical issue across the process industries and remains a challenge. Creating an MoC system requires careful consideration of the people using it, the procedures in place, and the technology employed. Although we all aim for an efficient, effective, and transparent MOC, there are many barrier to achieving this.

TÜV Rheinland and FoCul have developed PEL-MoC, a partnership that combines a proven digital MoC platform with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from TÜV Rheinland to help customers optimise their MoC processes, deploy a robust cloud based MoC solution and, importantly, provide ongoing support to help ensure that the MoC processes deliver business value.


  • A proven cloud based MoC application system, developed from best practices across the process and utility sectors.
  • Subject Matter Expert Support in reviewing current MoC processes, recommending improvements and defining the process to be implemented into the software.
  • Configuration and implementation support for the software.
  • Communication and training to staff on the MoC process and software.
  • Software application support (working hours, weekdays).
  • Initial close support for the first 3 - 6 months after the deployment as the new processes become established.
  • Regular audit and review of the system from our SMEs (frequency to suit), to improve the system and to ensure consistency.
  • Management reports on key KPIs and recommendations following audits and reviews.
  • Implementation of improvements to the system based on feedback and reviews.


Any successful system implementation needs to address the People, Processes and Technology. We believe that PEL-MoC combines a proven, flexible and easy to deploy cloud based application (Technology) with the expertise of TÜV Rheinland in MoC (People and Processes) to provide an easy to use, tailored, structured, transparent and auditable MoC solution.

Management of Change is one of the biggest process safety and business/operational risks and this solution can help manage and minimise that risk.

Download PEL Literature

pdf PEL 832 KB Download
pdf PEL Adrian 533 KB Download
pdf PEL CAPRE 782 KB Download
pdf PEL Flonet 699 KB Download
pdf PEL helps ensure plant re-opens on time 797 KB Download
pdf PEL HRA 280 KB Download
pdf PEL MOC 156 KB Download
pdf PEL PhysPack 481 KB Download
pdf PEL Piper 630 KB Download
pdf PEL ProvueDB 789 KB Download
pdf PEL Visual Logidraw 362 KB Download


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