Chemical Lab


Chemical analyzes are a fundamental tool for guaranteeing the safety and sustainability of the finished product, safeguarding the health of consumers and the environment.

The chemical laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Italia (ISO 17025 accredited) has the most modern analytical techniques and is able to respond to the most varied analysis needs.

The main analytical techniques present in the laboratory are:

  • ICP-OES and ICP-MS, are used for the analysis of inorganic elements. This analysis is used in various sectors such as food contact, textiles, toys.
  • Chromatographic techniques such as HS-GC-FID, GC-MS, GC-ECD, HPLC-UV. These instruments allow to perform the determination of the content of additives in food packaging, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, candidate substances of extreme concern (SVHC), etc.
  • XRF: used in the analysis and quantification of the elements. XRF spectrometers are specially designed to detect the presence of harmful elements such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +), and halogens (Chlorine and Bromine) in compliance with the new RoHS directives and WEEE regulated by 2011/65 / EC. This technique can also be used in the quantification of inorganic substances in alloys or plastic materials.
  • TL9000: Through the combined technique formed by a TGA (thermigravimetric analysis), FT-IR spectroscopy and mass gas chromatograph (GC-MS) it is possible to know precisely the compositions of plastic materials, in order to determine their composition or to appear two materials.

Why TÜV Rheinland Italia?

Verification by chemical analysis of the suitability for contact with food according to national and European regulations (EU Plastics Reg. 10/2011), BfR, French Legislation, FDA.

Our laboratory is one of the few accredited laboratories in Italy for the screening of heavy metals and phthalates according to the Rohs directive. Through chemical analysis we are able to address the customer with the exceptions of Annex III of Directive 2011/65 / EU.

Reach Regulation customized analyzes for types of materials, looking for the most dangerous substances by type of material according to the SVHC list.

Our Accreditations


Major Test Activities

  • Migration of Metals.
  • Global migration.
  • Bisphenol A content.
  • Metals Screening.
  • Phthalates Content.

Major Testing Services

  • Overall and specific migration according to national and European regulations (EU Plastics Reg. 10/2011), BfR, French Legislation, FDA.
  • Heavy metals, polybrominated and phthalates screening in compliance with the Rohs directive.
  • SVHC Substance Identification (Substances of Very High Concern).

Major Product Applications

  • Food packaging.
  • Electrical and electronic products.
  • Plastic products.

Major standards we handle

  • DM 21/03/1973
  • EN 1186-2
  • EN 1186-3
  • EN 1186-4
  • EN 1186-5
  • EN 1186-7
  • EN 1186-8
  • EN 1186-9
  • EN 62321-3
  • EN 62321-8

Our Testing Equipment

  • ICP-OES.
  • ICP-MS.
  • GC-MS.
  • GC-HS.
  • XRF.
  • HPLC-UV.
  • UV spectrometer.

How to find us?

TÜV Rheinland Italia S.r.l.
Via E. Mattei, 3
20005, Pogliano Milanese (MI)

Tel. +39 02 939 687 331


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