Certification and testing of offshore wind farms

Extensive support for your offshore wind farm through our tests and certifications
The construction and operation of offshore wind turbines and stations are associated with numerous challenges and risks. We provide comprehensive services including certification during development and design, safety concepts testing, and periodic operation inspections.
Offshore structures located in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in Germany must be compatible with the common market and comply with the specifications of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) as well as the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV). Our recognized test results and certificates of conformity help you to optimally demonstrate that your offshore wind farm (WTG and OWF) is operated, maintained and, if applicable, has been converted in accordance with the regulations.
We are a reliable partner with many years of experience. As approved inspection body, we offer you numerous services from a single source. Our experts ensure you the right support in every phase of your offshore project.
Learn more about how your company can benefit from our offshore project services.
Maximum security and performance for your offshore projects
Our independent inspections and certifications provide authorities proof that your offshore wind park meets regulatory standards. At the same time, you increase the safety and availability of your systems. Thanks to the broad spectrum of our offshore services, we can also offer you so-called "hybrid tests" during the operating phase. Our experts address all topics relevant to your project to reduce cost and minimize risk. We provide you comprehensive services from a single source to save you both time and money.

Our services for your offshore wind farm
We offer you numerous services for your offshore wind park, which are individually coordinated with you according to the official requirements.
Our certification for all project phases of your offshore wind farm:
- Development
Review of the preliminary design and the design bases. - Construction
Evaluation of the construction documents, the environmental and geotechnical reports, the implementation planning and the planning of the construction. - Execution
Inspection of production, transport, erection and commissioning of your offshore structures. We also offer a separate Marine Warranty Survey, which ensures the technical safety of all marine operations. - Operation
Inspection of your offshore plants according to BSH, WSV, ordinance on facilities for handling substances that are hazardous to water (AwSV) and German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG). Examination of conversion measures, expert opinions in the event of damage, examination of periodic inspection concepts, issuing summary test reports and conformity certificates in accordance with BSH standard design. - Dismantling
Examination of the deconstruction planning and the deconstruction.
Results from each of the respective phases are documented in test reports and a certificate of conformity is issued if the requirements are fulfilled. This provides the approval authority a basis for the assessment for granting the 1st and 2nd BSH approval, as well as for the maintenance of the operating approval.
Your strong partner for wind farm certification
Our experts have many years of experience in the offshore sector and can therefore provide you with the best possible support for your projects. We are recognized as a testing officer by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) and are familiar with all relevant offshore topics through our DAkkS (national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany) accreditation in accordance with BSH, WSV, DNVGL and others. Our testing and certification services protect your investment. We work to ensure that your plant is operated in accordance with official requirements and remains efficient throughout its entire service life.
Would you like to find out more about our services for your offshore plants? Contact our experts now!
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Our Sustainability Initiatives
Nothing less than the future is at stake. Companies, institutions, public authorities and each and every one of us can play a positive role in shaping the path to tomorrow. We provide you with comprehensive support to ensure that you operate safely, sustainably and efficiently for many years to come.