Outdoor Fitness Equipment Certification

Meet Safety Requirements for Your Outdoor Fitness Equipment
The rising popularity of public gyms and outdoor exercise stations has increasingly stressed the need for safe outdoor fitness equipment of the highest quality. Like playground equipment, outdoor fitness stations are installed in easy-to-access and regularly unsupervised public spaces. Therefore, clear guidelines were established to ensure the public a safe and healthy workout.
In the beginning of 2015, the new European Safety Standard - EN16630:2015 - covering the manufacture, installation, inspection and maintenance of permanently installed, freely accessible outdoor fitness equipment came into effect. Based on the German standard DIN 79000:2012-05, the new standard specifies general safety requirements and aims to ensure the safety of outdoor exercise stations.
TÜV Rheinland Poland offers inspection services for your outdoor fitness equipment in accordance with the requirements of the newly published standard by the Polish Committee for Standardization PN-EN 16630: 2015-06 "Permanently Installed Outdoor Fitness Equipment". Compliance with the regulatory requirements proves manufacturer awareness and is usually a condition to access the Polish marke. For further assistance in certifying your outdoor fitness equipment, do not hesitate to contact us!
Benefits of Our Outdoor Fitness Equipment Certification at a Glance
With internationally recognized inspection and certification services from TÜV Rheinland you can:
- Boost confidence in the quality and safety of your products.
- Benefit from our vast expertise and on-time delivery of services.
- Make an active contribution to accident prevention.
- Give your customers valuable guidance for purchase decisions with a recognized certification mark.
- Document the implementation of legal requirements through certification.
Please contact us at TÜV Rheinland to learn more about how our outdoor fitness equipment inspection can benefit your company!
Our Approach for Your Outdoor Fitness Equipment Certification
TÜV Rheinland Poland is currently the only entity accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation to certify according to the new standard PN-EN 16630: 2015-06.
Our experts evaluate the compatibility of your product with the standard using the following approach:
- Candidate submits an application to TÜV Rheinland Poland.
- An expert of TÜV Rheinland Poland drafts an offer.
- Candidate places the order and provides all required documents.
- Upon completion of all formal documents, product tests are conducted in our laboratory.
- 5. Our experts perform on-site inspections of technical and organizational conditions at the candidate's premises.
- Final assessment of the test reports, the inspection report of the World Trade Organization and the review of the documentation.
- Decision of certification.
- Issue of certificate and form granting the right to use the mark of conformity.After certification, annual inspections of technical and organizational conditions are conducted to confirm the reproducibility of the product production processes.
After certification, annual inspections of technical and organizational conditions are conducted to confirm the reproducibility of the product production processes.
Background Information on DIN 79000
The national safety standard DIN 79000 for “Permanently Installed Outdoor Fitness Equipment" regulates safety conditions for outdoor fitness equipment and is the basis for the EN 16630 standard.
The advantage of DIN 79000 is the clear delimitation of playground and indoor gym equipment. It generally finds more support in the industry and culminates in its European variant.