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Classification and testing of lasers and laser systems

Classification testing of lasers according to IEC/EN 60825-1 | TÜV Rheinland

Prove the safety of your laser products

Laser technology is used worldwide for numerous applications, for example in medicine, industry, or even in products for private use such as tools or household products. Due to the intense radiation and electromagnetic power emitted by powerful lasers, international legislators have taken measures to protect users.

The IEC/EN 60825-1 standard deserves special mention, as it imposes comprehensive requirements on manufacturers of lasers and manufacturers who install lasers as components in their end products. The basic requirement is the classification of laser products and the subsequent creation of a safety concept by the manufacturer.

TÜV Rheinland accompanies you on your way to market entry. We support you with our highly professional classification, product testing as well as certification of the final product according to international standards. With us, you receive all services from a single source.

Laser testing according to further standards

As a manufacturer of laser products, you want to guarantee the safety of the end consumers and users of your products. The specifications of IEC/EN 60825-1 serve as a solid basis for this.

Very often, however, laser products are installed as components. In addition to classification, we also perform product testing for your laser modules and laser assemblies. The resulting test certificates are part of the safety concept that the buyers of your lasers must prepare for the end product.

In addition, the safety requirements for your laser depend on its intended use. So find out at an early stage which other standards need to be taken into account for the end product. We can offer you product testing for the use of lasers in:

  • Tools
  • Measurement technology
  • Household appliances/ luminaries
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Medical products/ medical lasers
  • Laboratory equipment; industry and IVD
  • IT equipment
  • Automotive industry

More services for laser

Document Management Information Transfer Standard Research
We offer you an evaluation of your documentation, as well as the labeling and accompanying documentsIn technical meetings, we answer your specific questions about the legal requirementsIf you are not sure which standard has to be considered for your specific product or if you want to open up further sales markets, we will be pleased to support you with a research of the applicable standards

International certificates according to relevant nouns

After a long and costly development phase for your laser products, you certainly want to offer them on different markets. Even if the classification and product testing of your laser products takes place in Germany, we can draw on an international network of experts for certification.

The focus of our international services in the field of laser products is currently on the North American market, however, we support you in the export of your products with our many years of experience regarding the approval regulations for various countries.

Here we have listed the certificates of some important target countries for you:

USA and Canada

  • CDRH certification

EAC – Eurasian Economic Union

We can issue an EAC DoC Declaration of Conformity with the help of a local partner. For this the customer needs a local representative, information (ex: manual) must be in Russian. However, we can provide support for both.

Mexico (NOM)

We can assist our customers in obtaining the NOM mark. With this, our customers show conformity to the Mexican market in terms of basic safety requirements.

We will be happy to inform you about the requirements for our certifications and approval for international markets.

Professional laser testing in Germany

In our modern equipped laboratory in Berlin, we test lasers for all of Europe. It is accredited by DAkkS (ILAC) and also has CBTL (IECEE) accreditation, so we can offer you certification according to the CB procedure.

For decades, we have been accompanying manufacturers and distributors of laser products along the entire value chain and supporting them in their international business. We are renowned for fast turnaround times and professional processing of your orders. TÜV Rheinland's international experts work hand in hand to ensure a smooth process from product classification to market access.

Information on testing and certification of lasers

pdf Flyer: Laser testing 289 KB Download

Focus on cybersecurity: meeting EU requirements for networked devices

Focus on cybersecurity: meeting EU requirements for networked devices

Become cyber-resilient! With TÜV Rheinland, you can prepare your networked devices for the new requirements of the EU Cyber Resilience Act and ensure maximum IT security.
Take the CRA Readiness Check now!

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