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Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)

Business continuity management systems | TÜV Rheinland

React quickly in times of crisis with a business continuity management system

You want to resume productive operations as quickly as possible after disruption or failure of your business processes, particularly those that rely on critical IT systems? Our business continuity management system (BCMS) as per ISO/IEC 22301 and ISO/IEC 27031 allows you to react quickly and correctly with practical emergency plans, IT emergency concepts and recovery plans.

A BCMS bundles interrelated methods, procedures and rules to safeguard the continuation of critical processes and can be integrated in or based on existing management systems. We define an individual strategy, which we derive from your specific requirements. With these necessary resources in place, it becomes possible for you to restart operations in order to avoid unacceptable downtimes.

You want your employees and business operations to continue to function even in times of crisis? Contact our experts now.

Safeguard your productivity with business continuity management and IT emergency management

Business continuity management system – TÜV Rheinland
Safeguard your productivity with effective IT emergency management

Business continuity management is the best way to prepare for potential crises and minimize the impact of disruption. Use effective emergency planning to ensure that everyone at your company follows the plan when an incident occurs. Our pragmatic emergency concepts and recovery plans enable you to return to productive operations as quickly as possible after disruption or failure of your business processes, services, IT services or systems.

You can effectively reduce disaster related costs, meet compliance requirements and create an integrated risk management system that offers you legal certainty and a market advantage. By improving your availability level you also gain a considerable competitive edge, as your customers and business partners can rely on your company to stay functional even in times of crisis.

We develop your business continuity management system in just three steps

In just a few steps, we determine the maturity of your business continuity, develop a shared procedure for its continuous improvement and work with you to develop shared emergency strategies and plans:

  1. GAP analysis
    We analyze the existing aspects of your business continuity management system or IT emergency management system and therefore its maturity level.
  2. Improvement planning
    Based on this analysis we identify the measures needed to improve the maturity of your business continuity management system. We develop pragmatic approaches and measures that help you establish a suitable business continuity management system that evolves and improves over time.
  3. Implementation
    We work with you to implement the improvement plan and coach BCM officers how to implement and establish management tasks. This will give you the tools you need to handle a disaster or major incident, so you can act and react precisely and effectively in the event of an emergency.

The BCMS is designed, implemented and operated based on the standards ISO/IEC 22301 and ISO/IEC 27031.

On-demand webinar | ISO/IEC 22301 Business continuity managerment

On-demand webinar | ISO/IEC 22301 Business continuity managerment

Resilience of your business processes especially during critical incidents.

Learn how to deal with risk situations and limit potential losses due to interrupted supply chains.

Watch now!

Active crisis management with business continuity management

Our experts have extensive experience in the field of business continuity management. We help you introduce comprehensive BCM solutions and provide quality assurance while the project is in progress. We also help you coach your BCM officer and create tests and training concepts.

In addition, our "survival mix – risk and business continuity management" offer can bring together various analyses of threats ensuring alignment of your BCMS with identified risks.

Learn more about BCM. Make an appointment with our experts.

FAQ: Questions and Answers about Business Continuity Management

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What is a Business Continuity Management System?

A business continuity management system, or BCMS for short, is a management system that bundles interrelated methods, procedures and rules to ensure that critical business processes keep running in the event of damage or emergencies and continuously develops and improves them.

What are the advantages of Business Continuity Management?

With our emergency concepts and restart plans you can return to productive operation quickly after disruption or failure of your business processes, whether they are IT-assisted or not, and thus reduce downtimes. This is an effective way to lower follow-up costs and create a risk management system that provides legal certainty. You also gain a considerable competitive edge through a high level of availability.

What are the requirements for a comprehensive Business Continuity Management System?

A comprehensive BCMS should pursue a process-oriented approach and requires interaction between management processes, business processes and support processes. A business impact analysis (BIA) identifies the essential processes and assesses their availability requirements. Once the company has been analyzed, strategies and plans are developed to counter potential risks and scenario-based tests and exercises are conducted.

What standards underpin a BCMS?

A BCMS is designed, implemented and operated on the basis of standards ISO/IEC 22301 and ISO/IEC 27031.

What are the stages of developing and operating a BCMS?

We analyze your business processes and identify potential threats. On this basis we identify your actual protection needs. As part of a business impact analysis (BIA) we assess your business processes and IT services in regard to their availability requirements in case of an incident. Then we work with you to develop a suitable and detailed emergency strategy. We help you implement and operate the BCM software and create test and training concepts. During the project you also receive quality assurance from our certified experts.

What main BCMS-related questions does a business need to ask?

  • How heavily is our productivity affected in the event of an incident?
  • How do my customers and business partners react to a production outage?
  • What is our maximum tolerated outage time?
  • How can we maintain critical processes?
  • What are the legal and regulatory requirements that could be breached?
  • How can losses and effects be minimized?

Our experts on business continuity management systems can answer all these questions for you. Contact us now to find a solution that is tailored to your business.

Will my business automatically have permanent protection once the BCMS has been implemented?

No, setting up and operating a BCMS is not a one-off process, it requires regular testing and adjustment. This process is referred to as a continuous improvement process (CIP for short). We offer suitable training courses to ensure that the employees involved also receive continuous training.

Can a BCMS only run as an isolated management system?

No, it can be integrated in or based on existing management systems (e.g. QMS, ISMS).

Can a BCMS be certified?

Yes, if a BCMS has been implemented in line with ISO/IEC 22301:2019 it can be certified by an accredited company. Certification as per standard ISO/IEC 27031 is not possible.


pdf Flyer: Business Continuity Management 2 MB Download
pdf FAQ: Questions and Answers about Business Continuity Management 186 KB Download

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Safeguard your business continuance during system outages!

Safeguard your business continuance during system outages!

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