Higg FEM Verification

Successful and sustainable with supply chain verification
The Higg Facility Environment Module (Higg FEM) provides standardized sustainability guidelines to evaluate the overall social and environmental impact of your garment and footwear products. We conduct authorized verification of your Higg FEM self-assessment results so you can develop and maintain a sustainable and responsible supply chain.
Assessment according to the seven-point Higg FEM measures supply chain performance so you can be sure your partners are providing quality textiles and services for safe production. We help you ensure that your supplier scores are accurate and appropriately characterize their chemical management practices and business operations. Our verification services support you in your efforts to reinforce employee health and safety in the workplace as well as protect your local community and environment.
As a contributing member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, we provide recognized services designed to effectively demonstrate transparent and validated results to your stakeholders and customers.
Enhance the quality and image of your brand with verified results!
Transparent trust among partners with Higg FEM verification
Converging respective chemical management tools of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Outdoor Industry Association (OIC) and the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Program (ZDHC), the Higg FEM provides a single assessment to implement faster, more effective and more cost-efficient sustainable business operations. Higg FEM verification helps you validate collected data for accurate Higg scoring to maximize certainty and minimize risk. Authorized verification from an objective service provider allows you to interact with supply chains partners with confidence. Transparent, proven scores demonstrate your strong commitment to social and environmental concerns and ensure trusted interaction with your stakeholders.
Our Higg FEM verification

We provide comprehensive verification of your self-assessment according to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) Higg FEM program evaluating chemical management practices among your supply chain partners. Our experts are ready to assist you throughout the verification process.
This supply chain verification includes trained chemical specialists reviewing documents, performing on-site inspections, calculating Higg scores and verifying results to be sent to SAC for publication.
Authorized verifiers use SAC methodology to validate self-assessment scores, substantiate benchmarks, measure progress and provide you with a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
The 2020 Higg FEM cycle timeline sets terms and limits for purchase, assessment, posting and verification.
Authorized global Higg FEM verifier

We are your recognized and reliable partner for verification of your self-assessment according to the Higg Facility Management Module evaluation tool. With years of experience in the global apparel, footwear and textiles industry, our credentialed specialists conduct comprehensive services designed to provide you the best possible support from a single source.
Learn more about our Higg FEM verification today!
Authorized global Higg FEM verifier
We are your recognized and reliable partner for verification of your self-assessment according to the Higg Facility Management Module evaluation tool. With years of experience in the global apparel, footwear and textiles industry, our credentialed specialists conduct comprehensive services designed to provide you the best possible support from a single source.
Learn more about our Higg FEM verification today!
Further information for download
Flyer - Chemicals Management Audit & Verification Services | 791 KB | Download |
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Nothing less than the future is at stake. Companies, institutions, public authorities and each and every one of us can play a positive role in shaping the path to tomorrow. We provide you with comprehensive support to ensure that you operate safely, sustainably and efficiently for many years to come.