Damage and Corrosion Failure Analysis

Functional, safe and profitable with damage and corrosion failure analysis
Technical experts, service engineers and quality managers responsible for reliable complex systems in various environments work to minimize risks associated with mechanical failures due to defective, damaged or corroded components. To prevent subsequent unexpected, costly system shutdowns and ensuring general safety standards comprehensive damage analysis is crucial.
Our experienced experts provide comprehensive damage and corrosion failure analysis services to develop and implement corrective actions as well as to hinder future failure. We conduct a forensic engineering investigation to identify material, component and system damage and get to the root cause of how and why metallic components were damaged or corroded. We provide you clear and reliable analysis in order that you can develop effective strategies to protect your equipment and secure profitable productivity.
With accredited testing laboratories worldwide, years of experience and know-how in damage and corrosion inspection as well as forensic engineering investigation in all technical sectors you can rely on our experts for your plant and components.
Contact our experts for more information!
Detailed analysis of damages or corrosion failures to ensure functionality and safety
We ensure you objective and systematic investigation of your damages and corrosion failures. The comprehensive portfolio of both destructive and non-destructive testing services can determine information about kind and possible causes of the damage or corrosion failure.
Our experienced engineers provide you reliable and detailed information you need to develop effective maintenance and prevention strategies for uninterrupted productivity and profitable investments. We work to make sure the functionality and safety of your equipment will be restored.

Damage analysis benefits you in many respects
Comprehensive inspection and analysis of damages and corrosion failures
We are able to implement a wide range of both destructive and non-destructive testing methods to determine the type, extent and possible causes of damage and corrosion. These advanced technologies also allow us to identify possible causes of particular damage in order that you can develop effective maintenance and prevention strategies moving forward.
In addition to on-site inspection and sampling, our experts are extensively experienced in a number of advanced testing methods used for failure and damage analysis including:
- Visual inspection and photographic documentation of the samples
- Metallographic analysis
- Impact or tensile testing to determine materials mechanical properties
- Non-destructive ultrasonic testing or radiographic testing to locate damage
- Chemical analysis (Optical spark emission spectroscopy)
- Hardness tests for materials and components (Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell)
- Corrosion tests
Furthermore, we use our state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope (SEM) with integrated energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis to provide us with supplemental information on fracture structures and elemental composition of deposits, corrosion products as well as particles.
Upon completion of the damage analysis appropriate for you, we provide you a summarized evaluation of our investigation results and make, if possible, recommendations according to your individual needs.
A global network of experts at your service
A worldwide leading provider of damage and corrosion failure analysis services, our global network of accredited laboratories and experts support you in locating, identifying and dealing with damages and corrosion failures that can cause components, equipment and systems to fail. Our comprehensive portfolio of testing methods implement cutting edge technologies to ensure you the fastest, cost-efficient and most precise inspections from a single source. Our years of extensive experience serving diverse customers around the world makes us your reliable and trusted partner for any support you may need.
Contact us to learn more about how our damage and corrosion failure analysis services can benefit your company!