Industrial Measurement Technology

Precise Data for Optimum Service Life and Cost Efficiency
Have your plants or machines reached their maximum estimated service life? Would you like to know if a component can still be used safely and can perform well – despite minor defects? With the support of our experts for industrial measurement technology, you always know exactly the condition your equipment is in, helping you to optimize your maintenance activities. You also receive valuable operating parameters that you can use to schedule intervals and content for periodic inspections.
Benefits at a Glance
With customized measurement solutions from TÜV Rheinland, you can:
- Ensure continued operation of defective components even at high temperatures
- Save money through continued use of components without repair and through replacement that can be scheduled reliably in advance as preventive maintenance
- Expose components only once during installation
- Take advantage of seamless online monitoring with remote data synchronization and measurement from one plant maintenance schedule to the next
- Take advantage of state-of-the-art measurement technology to identify critical conditions much earlier and monitor them
- Save money with online measurement and remote data transmission instead of cyclical on-site measurements by instrument technicians
- Eliminate the need to hire expert personnel of your own
Our Range of Measurement Technology Services
- Measurement of physical parameters – force, displacement, pressure, and temperature – in dynamic, quasi-static, and long-term ranges
- Strain gage measurement (DMS), including in low and high temperature applications
- Evaluation of the remaining service life of components under creep-inducing loads using capacitive creep strain measurement technology
- Monitoring of cracks in components, also at high temperatures, using potential probe measurement technology
- Project planning for turnkey online monitoring systems for industrial data collection
- Long-term monitoring with remote data transmission for conditions-based component evaluation methods