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Signal high quality and safety with our product Certification.

Signal high quality and safety with our product Certification.

A product certificate confirms that a product meets defined criteria and defined safety-relevant aspects. The certificate specifies the basic principles according to which a product was certified. Corresponding product certifications provide customers visible proof of quality to serve as a reliable decision-making aid when choosing a product. In a glance, recognized product certifications are validation that product-specific quality has been checked by an independent third party. According to an end consumer survey, almost 90% of respondents prefer manufacturer advertising statements to be neutrally reviewed and confirmed.

Our experts have many years of experience and support you with industry-specific product certifications. We provide services for product certification required by customer for project requirement as well as for open market. Minimum requirements insist that safety-related aspects are met. Additional quality criteria determined by our specialists can be verified and certified to demonstrate your product meets the expectations of the applicable interested parties.

With our internationally recognized brand, you can easily signal the suitability, safety and high quality of your products in an effective advertising campaign.

Would you like to learn more about our product certification?

Secure competitive advantages and constant quality through our product certification

Our product certification can significantly boost your brand image and increase your market success. An effective advertising strategy bearing certification provides your customers a clear decision-making aid and gives you a clear competitive advantage. Our neutral product certification services help you to reduce risk and continuously present your customers with credible quality assurance. Our experts work to support a speedy product certification services and help you access valuable international markets.

Our test mark: Exactly right for your products

A global leader, we provide comprehensive inspection, testing, verification and certification services around the world. Our international team of experts works in accredited laboratories and on-site operational facilities to test and certify the safety, usability and quality of technical systems as well as capital and consumer goods.

Our certification process

  1. Application for the desired certification sought for your product.
  2. Thorough examination of a representative selection of your products on basis of required criteria. Tests are carried out by client, witnessed by TUV Rheinland Gulf LLC.
  3. Technical review conducted for evaluation results followed by certification decision.
  4. Issuance of product certificate after successful acceptance.

Your recognized partner for neutral product testing and certification

We have stood for quality and safety for over 150 years. Our globally recognized independent testing and certification services conducted by experienced international experts help you secure the trust of your customers and business partners.

You too can benefit from our certifications.

Important documents for download

pdf Application for Product Certification 127 KB Download
pdf Certification Scope 83 KB Download


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