Overvoltage and Lightning Protection Testing

Testing to secure lightning and overvoltage protection systems
Protect your structures, equipment, residents, employees and guests to reduce the chances of exorbitant damage, costly repair, loss of assets, personal injury or even death with proper and professional reliability and safety testing of your lightning protection and voltage overload systems.
Take advantage of our extensive industrial experience, high quality standards and professional objectivity to ensure that your facilities are able to withstand the challenges of power surges caused by lightning strikes or voltage switching operations.
Be prepared for lightning to strike. Make an appointment with our experts today!
Strong protection against lightning with systems testing
With our overvoltage and lightning protection testing services, you are on the safe side in the event of litigation and have the confidence to defend against any insurance claim. Ensure reliable operation by avoiding planning errors and saving time with the appropriate application of regulatory procedures. Access one-stop-shop service and nationwide support without regional restriction. Prove due diligence to safeguard investment and preserve the value of your assets.
Comprehensive testing for lightning protection systems and safeguards against voltage overloads

We provide you practical and business-oriented solutions for planning and implementing lightning and overvoltage protection systems as well as analyze risk and make enhancement recommendations. We conduct testing of your safety and protection measures according to the EMC directive. Risk assessment and verification of lightning protection systems are determined in compliance with EN 62305 (VDE 0185-305 in Germany).
Areas and buildings open to the public must adhere to building laws and state building codes. We provide the authorized expert testing mandated by each individual state to determine the effectiveness and operational safety of both your electrical equipment and fire protection. In addition, our experts conduct the annual testing (according to provision 3602) of electrical equipment required by indemnity insurance providers as a technical expert recognized by the Association of Loss Insurers.
Protect assets and personal safety from lightning and overvoltage risks
Providing comprehensive protection for structures and equipment as well as the welfare and property of residents, employees and guests against the effects and consequences of damage or harm caused by lightning strikes or uncontrollable power surges makes both dollars and sense.
As your partner in all matters related to systems for protecting against lightning and overvoltage, we offer proactive strategies to ward off costly repairs or significant liability and to protect operational reliability and asset value ensure overall stability and lucrative investments.
Call now and let our expertise work for you!