Transport of Dangerous Goods

Assure smooth transport of dangerous goods with our detailed inspection services
Avoiding potential health risks associated with the transport of dangerous goods or hazardous substances is a top priority for all those involved. Companies using road, rail or water transport for the purposes of further processing or utilizing these substances have a responsibility to ensure. safe packaging, secure logistics concepts, traffic guidance and quality control strategies that reduce the threat to public safety.
Our team can help you comply with the large number of regulations governing safe transport of dangerous goods. We assist you with permit and authorization procedures, help you keep track of inspection deadlines, as well as monitor the smooth execution of transport operations. Our experts are always by your side to help you reduce the health risks of your operators by conducting periodic inspections of dangerous goods packaging.
We are a one-stop solution providing comprehensive services enabling the safe transport of dangerous goods. Our experts are always there to guide you through the entire process of dangerous good transportation.
Contact our experts for smoother, safer dangerous goods transport!
Reinforce trust in the safety of your tanks and containers with our support
Our worldwide network of specialists not only helps you build trust with our safety measures, but also optimizes your processes and ensures trouble-free operation. Take advantage of our comprehensive solutions for dangerous goods transport and one-stop service from a single source.
Our services for safe and secure dangerous goods transport

Our team does a thorough inspection of dangerous goods containers and also provides comprehensive services, which include:
- Type approval and conformity assessment of pressure receptacles and tanks
- Type examination of dangerous goods packaging and intermediate bulk containers (IBC)
- Initial and periodic inspections of dangerous goods packaging, IBCs, gas receptacles, tank containers, portable tanks, permanently connected tanks, and mobile tanks
- Information about legal questions related to issues such as ADR, RID, and IMDG
- Assistance in preparing alarm and action plans
- Scheduling to ensure compliance with inspection intervals
- Support for repair activities and assistance with manufacturing
- Expert reports and assistance with authorization procedures
- Certification of competence
- Training for personnel handling dangerous goods (dangerous goods safety adviser) and on topics related to dangerous goods handling and transport
Our experience in transportation of dangerous goods makes us your perfect partner
We have been a pioneer in the field of transportation of dangerous goods and inspection of dangerous goods containers. We strictly follow internationally applicable legal inspection standards including the ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road; Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route), RID (Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail), and IMDG (International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods) and the TPED (Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive 2010/35/EU). Our proficient team members are always at your service, ensuring credibility and quality.
Request more information about our services for the transportation of dangerous goods!