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Safety in the construction industry – Safety Culture Ladder (SCL)

Ladder | TÜV Rheinland

Measure the safety awareness within your organization with the Safety Culture Ladder

The Safety Culture Ladder (formerly known as the Safety Ladder) measures the safety awareness within your organization. This stimulates your employees to act safer and more consciously, which reduces the number of safety incidents and therefore also prevents damage and absenteeism.

From 2022 onwards, the Safety Culture Ladder will be included as an obligation in many tenders and contracts in the construction industry in the Netherlands (step 2). This has been agreed by the signatories to the Governance Code for Safety in Construction (GCVB). This agreement is called the 'ViA' (Safety in Tendering). Would you like to know more about this obligation? Visit

How does the Safety Culture Ladder work?

The Safety Culture Ladder consists of four different products. They range from the SCL Original, where you have a full audit every year, to variants where by means of a sample of Approved Self Assessment (ASA) the action plan is reviewed.

  • SCL Original - this is the SCL product for which a full (100%) audit is carried out every year. The certificate issued is valid for three years. In the meantime you can grow to a higher level.
  • SCL – This SCL product also leads to a certificate with a validity of three years, however the two interim audits take up 40% of the audit time compared to the first audit. With this product you can also grow to a higher level.
  • SCL Light – This SCL product provides you with a valid of three years 'Statement' after review of a questionnaire you have completed (SAQ Extended), a GAP analysis compiled by you and an action plan indicating how you will grow to your desired level of performance. We will check the progress of this action plan annually during an audit.
  • Approved Self Assessment – The ASA is a product based on a questionnaire (SAQ Compact), a GAP analysis and an action plan. We test this, but make no statement about the step. Subsequently, 'desk' checks are performed in the following two years to assess the progress of the action plan. You will not receive a certificate or statement.

The four Safety Culture Ladder products schematically

SCL verification Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
SCL Original (Certificate)100% audit100% audit100% audit
SCL (certificate)100% audit40% follow-up audit 40% follow-up audit
SCL light ( Statement with steps indication)40% follow-up audit Check on action planCheck on action plan
Approved Self AssessmentSelf-assessmentCheck on action planCheck on action plan

The first three products have five verification steps. The Safety Culture Ladder audits use interviews and observations to determine whether the company is at the requested step.

Which Safety Culture Ladder product is right for you?

In principle, the client determines which product you should be certified for and for which step (possibly based on the ViA principle). It may be that there is no obligation (yet). In that case we advise you to assess for yourself which product is most suitable for you. From this basic position you can grow further if you wish.

The requirements set out in the ViA documentation

Contract value projectLow
Ground construction
(e.g. earthworks,
dyke reinforcement)/
Installation technology/
Finishing off &
Residential construction/
Foundation/ Underground infrastructure K&L/ Demolition
Tunnel construction/
Railway construction/
Hydraulic engineering
Civil engineering
HIGH (<5 Mio)SCL-lightSCLSCL
MIDDLEApproved Self
LOWApproved Self
Approved Self

The most important advantages at a glance

  • Continuous focus on the visibility of health and safety
  • Important tool in reducing industrial accidents with absenteeism or near-accidents
  • Exploiting commercial opportunities (in tendering / new business)
  • Increasing the confidence of clients in your organisation through safety awareness
  • Achieving an open communication structure within your organization and (chain) partners

TÜV Rheinland Nederland has been providing services for years in the areas of working conditions in general and safety in particular and is therefore your partner of choice for the Safety Culture Ladder.


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