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Open Automated Demand Response Technology for the Smart Grid

The emerging smart grid standard OpenADR (Open Automated Demand Response) is an open and interoperable information exchange model. OpenADR allows the electricity provider and system operator to communicate demand response (DR) signals with each other and with their customers via IP-based communication networks such as the internet. Today, DR is vital for grid stabilization and the prevention of impending energy crises.

As OpenADR is the most comprehensive standard for ADR, it has gained broad support throughout the industry. In order to guarantee correct functionality and performance of OpenADR products, testing and certification is necessary. Our experts with extensive experience in smart grid technology support you with certification testing and pre-testing services for your products.

Benefits of Our OpenADR Services at a Glance

The OpenADR services by TÜV Rheinland can support you with:

  • Extensive one-stop shop services around the world.
  • Faster time-to-market.
  • Qualified experts with comprehensive knowledge of wireless technology.
  • Compliance of your OpenADR products with relevant standards and regulations as well as interoperability.
  • Reduced risk of company liability with documented safety standards.

Our experts are happy to answer your questions and provide you additional information on OpenADR. Contact us!

Our OpenADR Services

Our laboratory in Japan is accredited by the OpenADR Alliance for OpenADR certification testing. A comprehensive test tool made by QualityLogic and accredited by the OpenADR Alliance will be used for OpenADR 2.0a & 2.0b certification testing.

Vendors who are already members of the OpenADR Alliance can purchase the test tool in order to pre-test products. Testing prior to submission for official certification reduces the risk of failure and expenses generated by re-testing.

We also offer pre-testing for those wanting to test only particular features or to perform fine-tuning of their application before proceeding to certification testing.

OpenADR Certification Testing Approach

Our OpenADR certification tests consist of the following steps:

  • Submission of documents (PICS) and application.
  • Pre-testing is available on demand and is recommended before official certification testing for those not able to pre-test products and those who are not confident in their implementation.
  • Witness certification testing performed with customer attendance.
  • Issuance of test report.
  • Submission of the test report to OpenADR Alliance for certification (done by manufacturers).

Required Documents

To provide you with our services, the following documents are necessary:

  • Application sheet
  • Operating manual for the device undergoing test
  • Completed PICS

OpenADR Products

OpenADR products include:

  • Smart meters
  • xEMS gateways as VENs (Virtual End Nodes)
  • Aggregators as VTNs (Virtual Top Nodes)/VENs
  • Utilities as VTNs, whose developments have recently been focused upon when building smart grid systems in the US, Europe, Japan and other Asian countries

Our Locations

If you have any questions concerning OpenADR, please do not hesitate in contacting us. We are available around the clock, seven days a week.

TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd.
Global Technology Assessment Center (GTAC)
4-25-2 Kita Yamata, Tsuzuki-ku,
Yokohama 224-0021, Japan

The OpenADR Alliance

In 2010, the OpenADR Alliance was formed by industry stakeholders in order to build on the foundation of technical activities to support the development, testing and deployment of commercial OpenADR and facilitate its acceleration and widespread adoption. Its mission is to foster the development, adoption and compliance of OpenADR smart grid standards through education, training, collaboration, testing and certification.

The OpenADR Alliance is collaborating with several IEC committees – TC 57, PC118, and TC 65.

More information


Online Certification Platform

Read more

Official Website of OpenADR Alliance


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