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Acceptance Testing and Periodic Inspections

Acceptance Testing and Periodic Inspections

Full Range of Inspection Services from a Single Source

Whether for elevators, printing presses, buildings, or conveyor belts – many technical systems have to be inspected prior to start-up and at regular intervals thereafter. These inspections give you peace of mind that your system complies with statutory requirements, is defect-free, and can be operated safely. TÜV Rheinland experts carry out acceptance testing and periodic inspections for you. If you have any questions, they can provide you with comprehensive and detailed information about the quality and safety of your technical systems.

Benefits at a Glance

With inspection services from TÜV Rheinland, you:

  • Have a reliable contact throughout Germany who actively helps you fulfill applicable statutory requirements
  • Enhance your legal security and minimize your risk of liability
  • Simplify your inspection management system with our Internet-based EquipmentOnline® digital database
  • Reduce downtime through faster and more efficient inspections

Our Range of Acceptance Testing and Periodic Inspection Services

Our experts conduct acceptance testing and periodic inspections throughout Germany. We also take care of inspection scheduling on your behalf. Relying on TÜV Rheinland as your single source of services gives you the assurance of knowing that you are satisfying your legal obligations. A few examples from our broad range of services:

Inspections of plants and equipment that require monitoring to fulfill industrial safety and health regulations (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, or BetrSichV), including:

  • Warehouse facilitiesFacilities with a potentially explosive atmosphere, for example, spray paint booths, sewage treatment plants, and grain silos
  • Elevator systems:Elevators in compliance with elevator directive 95/16/EC, Machinery in compliance with machinery directive 98/37/EC, Paternoster elevators, Construction elevators also used for personnel transport
  • Equipment under internal pressure, including boilers, pressure vessel equipment, filling plants, and pipes for dangerous gases, vapors, or liquids

Acceptance testing and construction supervision inspections of special structures in compliance with technical testing and inspection regulations (Technische Prüfverordnung, or TprüfVO).
These inspections focus on systems in, for example, high-rise buildings, hospitals, and public meeting places, and include:

  • Fire extinguishing agents, rescue routes, emergency exits, and safety lighting systems
  • Electrical installations and ventilation systems
  • Social facilities and first-aid installations

Testing and inspections of the following systems in accordance with regulations for places of assembly (Versammlungsstättenverordnung, or VstättVO):

  • Ventilation systems
  • Smoke exhaust systems as well as mechanical systems to keep rescue routes free of smoke
  • Non-automatic fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire extinguisher systems, such as sprinkler systems, deluge systems,and water mist extinguishing systems
  • Fire detection and alarm systems
  • Backup power supply systems as well as the safety-related installations associated with them

Inspections in compliance with building law and state building codes

Inspections of fire alarm systems in compliance with DIN 14675


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