Inspection of Industrial Hall Roofs and Structural Integrity

Our Inspections for Safe Industrial Hall Roofs
If you operate an industrial hall, your top priority is the safety and stability of its roof. Our experts handle the inspection and expert evaluation of your industrial hall roofs and electronically monitor roof support structures made of wood, reinforced concrete, expanded concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), steel, and other materials. TÜV Rheinland compiles the building specifications and, where necessary, develops a viable, economical repair concept for your industrial hall roof.
Benefits at a Glance
With TÜV Rheinland’s structural integrity inspection for industrial hall roofs, you can:
- Ensure the safety and stability of your industrial hall roofs
- Actively contribute to preventing damages and accidents
- Reduce your risk of liability by applying and documenting your compliance with safety standards
- Take advantage of the experience we have gained over the course of inspecting many industrial halls
Our Services for Industrial Hall Roof Safety
Our staff inspects and prepares comprehensive expert reports on your industrial hall roofs. Our services include:
- Expert appraisal of the construction
- Evaluation of status
- Material testing
- Condition assessment
- Consultation with the owner
- Continuous electronic monitoring
- Preparation of building specifications
- Monetary assessment
- Renovation concepts
- Independent supervision of work