Power plant safety in relation to fossil and nuclear energy sources | TÜV Rheinland

Fossil and Nuclear Projects Worldwide

An overview of our fossil and nuclear projects worldwide

Our roots are in the field of power plant safety in a world that still depends on conventional power sources. Overall, TÜV Rheinland provides independent consulting for fossil and nuclear power plants at a global scale. During construction as well as operation of power plants we traditionally offer a variety of services. The service portfolio comprises design review, radiation protection and nuclear waste management, testing of pressure equipment, vendor inspections, site supervision, in-service inspections as well as advanced NDT-services. Our strengths are to complement the traditional services with technical due diligence, technical audits, risk & safety consulting and trainings worldwide.

The following reference cases document our deep industry knowledge and worldwide expertise.

Our Experience - Our Reference Cases in Fossil & Nuclear

Whether assembly supervision, independent inspection services or technical control – TÜV Rheinland consults and guides you with extensive technical experience. The following reference cases document our deep industry knowledge and worldwide expertise.

Third-Party Inspection Services for Lignite Power Plant

Third-Party Inspection Services for Lignite Power Plant

For the construction of the lignite power plant in Neurath, Germany, RWE Power AG required a qualified expert to perform the necessary third-party inspection.

Market Access Services for Power Plants

Market Access Services for Power Plants

In order to supply a steam turbine generator in Korea, a German manufacturer needed support in entering the Korean market.

Third-Party Inspection for Combined-Cycle Power Station

Third-Party Inspection for Combined-Cycle Power Station

Eletronuclear required an experienced partner that could provide on-site supervision services and technical consultancy support during the assembly phase.

Supervision and Support for Construction of Nuclear Plant

Supervision and Support for Construction of Nuclear Plant

Eletronuclear required an experienced partner that could provide on-site supervision services and technical consultancy support during the assembly phase.

Benefit of NDE Applications for the Energy Industry

Safety Inspection for Power Provider

Safety Inspection for Power Provider

Global Business Power Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, independently produces power for the Visayas region in the Philippines.

Quality Assurance and Control in the Modernization of Boilers

Quality Assurance and Control in the Modernization of Boilers

A coal-fired power plant in Poland will be modernized. To assure expected quality and protect assets they turned to TÜV Rheinland.

Services for Nuclear Power Plant Licensing

Services for Nuclear Power Plant Licensing

Tthe organization turned to a worldwide expert and global leader in inspection and certification services.

Design Supervision and Project Management

Design Supervision and Project Management

When one of the largest integrated energy companies in Brazil decided to deploy combined cycle in a thermoelectric power plant, an experienced partner.

Extensive Inspection Services for Nuclear Power Plant

Extensive Inspection Services for Nuclear Power Plant

Taiwan Power Comp. required a wide spectrum of inspection services, to be conducted by an Authorized Nuclear Inspector. That is why they turned to TÜV Rheinland.

Testing Evaluates Stresses on Shipping Dock

Testing Evaluates Stresses on Shipping Dock

Westinghouse Electric Company (WEC) provides fuel, services, technology, plant design, and equipment for the commercial nuclear electric power industry.

Risk-Management Services for Nuclear Power Plants

Risk-Management Services for Nuclear Power Plants

One of the leading diesel generator manufacturers in the world was assigned to install emergency diesel generator units at three nuclear power plants in China.
