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We act with integrity.

To TÜV Rheinland, compliance means operating and working in accordance with the respective legal frameworks, internal rules and voluntary commitments. For a certification body like TÜV Rheinland compliance is of paramount importance. Customers and the public invest great trust in the quality of our services, independence, and integrity.

Our daily operations are guided by the values laid down in our mission statement: competence, reliability, incorruptibility, independence and openness. By means of our Compliance Management System we ensure the Group-wide implementation and monitoring of our compliance understanding.

Compliance Management System

Compliance Organization

The compliance management system of TÜV Rheinland is managed by the Global Officer Compliance, who reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer. In alignment with the Compliance Board the Global Officer Compliance defines, develops and operates the Group-wide compliance program. Our global compliance officer network is responsible for communication and implementation of the latter. The compliance officer network corresponds with our operational structure and consists of local, regional and German Operations compliance officers. With the help of this decentralized network we spread information and knowledge about compliance to our employees and management and at the same time offer support and consulting services worldwide.

Compliance Program

Our compliance program is based on the legal frameworks in which TÜV Rheinland operates as well as on the values of our company. In addition we have committed ourselves to the UN Global Compact principles. All principles relevant to us are outlined in our Code of Conduct which is binding for all employees and managers as well as for our business partners to the extent possible. We are convinced that compliance can only be successfully lived through a common understanding, a broad acceptance as well as the contribution of every single employee in their daily business. For this reason we offer a comprehensive personal and confidential consulting service to our employees through our compliance officer network as well as per information material and guidelines. In addition to that, every employee and manager worldwide is obliged to complete a training program on compliance issues. The improvement and strategic focus of the compliance program are discussed twice a year by the Compliance Board.

External Confidential Whistle-Blower System

TÜV Rheinland has established a compliance helpline managed by an external law firm. The lawyers are bound to confidentiality. Via this helpline employees can (anonymously) report hints, suspected cases or seek general advice. The whistle-blower system is available worldwide.

Annual External Compliance Audit

TÜV Rheinland’s compliance management system is audited annually at several TÜV Rheinland locations by an external auditor. The results of these external annual audits contribute to the continuous improvement and adjustment of our system.


pdf Guidelines for the prevention of conflicts of interest and corruption (영문) 2 MB 다운로드
pdf Self Declaration Business Partner (영문) 27 KB 다운로드
pdf Code of Conduct for TÜV Rheinland (영문) 2 MB 다운로드