Finite Element Method (FEM)
Your Numerical Analysis of Choice
The finite elements method, FEM, provides extremely precise results when calculating and analyzing the shell strength of pressure equipment. Our experts model the loads on pressure vessel components, such as ends, jackets, vessel support brackets, flange connections, and bellows-type expansion joints. You can also take advantage of our engineering expertise in design proposal reviews and preliminary analyses.
Benefits at a Glance
With our engineers’ support for FEM calculations, you can:
- Shorten your development times and reduce prototype construction costs
- Identify weak points early on and minimize your risk of product liability
- Find the root causes of damage
- Ensure the operability of systems and components
- Comply with the requirements of national and international regulations
Our Range of FEM Services
Our engineers carry out FEM calculations and simulations as part of the preliminary evaluations as prescribed by national and international regulations. We also support you with our know-how during the design proposal phase. Our services include:
- Assessment and prolongation of components’ service life
- Optimization calculations
- Specification of maintenance measures for components and systems
- Determination of the root causes of damage
- Prescribed preliminary analyses and design proposal reviews
Our Services for Evaluating Pressure Equipment
As a body certified to assess and approve pressure equipment and simple pressure vessels, our computational preliminary evaluations include:
- EC design examination, EC type examination, and final acceptance of individual pieces of equipment
- Certification of quality assurance systems according to the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Conformity certification and CE stamp of approval
- Combined final acceptance from an authorized inspection agency in compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive, including inspection prior to commissioning