Services for Occupational Medicine

Occupational medicine is designed to keep your employees fit for work over the long term and prevent work-related diseases. It helps lower absenteeism, improves the motivation of your workforce and makes you more competitive.
As well as providing occupational medical consultations regarding the implementation of a modern occupational health and safety protection system, we help with basic work design measures and advise you on matters relating to work physiology, work psychology and industrial hygiene. Our services include check-ups, consultations on work-related deployments abroad, advice on maternity leave and risk assessments in the workplace – such as the offshore area – and even reintegration of staff members after a prolonged illness.
Trust in our expertise. Our industrial physicians take a holistic approach and always examine the requirements of the job, the working conditions at the company and the work organization and the way they interact. They collaborate closely with psychologists, sports and health scientists and physiotherapists.
Occupational Medicine
A healthy workforce is a healthy organization.