US FCC and Canada ISED Compliance Testing and Approvals

Ensure telecom equipment compliance with our TCB approved FCC testing services
In order to enter and succeed in the American market, manufacturers of wireless equipment in North America must meet minimum compliance standards mandated by the United States’ Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Canada’s Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) authorities.
Our experienced specialists have a deep understanding of the North American approval and compliance testing criteria. With our services, we can support your wireless equipment products conformance to relevant FCC/ISED standards necessary to receive certification.
Contact our experts today to achieve North American wireless approval!
Certified for the US market with FCC compliance testing
With almost 300 million consumers, the United States is one of the largest and most prominent markets in the world. Manufacturers in the telecom industry who are looking to tap into this vast economic resource must make sure products are FCC compliant. Our comprehensive services provide you assurance that your products conform to the relevant FCC standards and certification criteria. Neutral third-party, quality evaluations are designed to reduce the risk of corporate liability when using industry specific standards.
Our fast and simple approach to FCC approval and certification
As an accredited TCB, we test and evaluate your products to determine compliance for the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) or for certification purposes. Our experts quickly and precisely prepare your test report and application as well as submit the appropriate documentation for FCC approval.
We provide comprehensive testing, reporting and processing of FCC certification for areas in which TCB approvals are allowed, including:
- RF (Wireless) Devices under Licensed and Unlicensed Sections of the Rules
- Wireless Routers
- Home Automation Devices
- Smartphones, Tablets & Personal Computers
- Full and Limited Modular Approvals
- Land-Mobile Radios
- Short Range Devices
- Wireless Automotive Safety and Security Devices
- Internet of Things (IoT Devices)
- Wireless IP Cameras
- Wireless Medical Devices
The FCC is charged with regulating interstate and international radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable communications. All intentional radiators (transmitters) require certification regardless of their power or license for use. Certification is determined according to the type of device. The FCC approves complete products and not individual parts or antennas.
Our experts provide you the guidance to help you navigate the mandatory approval and certification processes appropriate for your products. Contact us!
FCC regulatory requirements
The FCC requires that all radio communication equipment meet regulatory compliance standards such as:
Unlicensed Part 15 of the FCC rules (47 CFR Part 15)
Requires emissions testing for Unlicensed Intentional and Unintentional radiators to prevent harmful radio interference. Any digital device operating between 9 KHz and 3000 GHz is strictly regulated by the FCC. This is a Federal regulation that sets limits on the amount of electromagnetic interference allowed from digital and electronic devices such as wristwatches, musical instruments, computers, telephones and low-power transmitters.
Licensed Transmitters operating under FCC rules (47 CFR Parts 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 74, 90, 95, 101)
FCC Grants of Equipment Authorizations under these Rule parts have ‘special protections’ from interference. These bands most commonly are used for networked services such as cellphones, base stations, land-mobile transceivers, etc. In addition, there are many additional protected transmitter services such as microwave relay stations, auxiliary broadcast stations, medical radio products, and automotive radar.
With our global network of state-of-the-art labs, which are FCC and ISED listed and accredited, we can offer comprehensive testing services according to various requirements and can offer certification services as a Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB).
Your accredited partner for FCC approval
Accredited by A2LA, we are your trusted TCB partner to provide you recognized compliance testing, review and process your approval applications and issue FCC certification grants of approval. Additionally, as a designated Foreign Certification Body (FCB), we can issue ISED approvals for Canada. We help you demonstrate your commitment to telecom equipment quality and safety as well as to prove the compliance of your products necessary to use the coveted FCC logo.
Get in touch with one of our experts to learn how you can benefit from our FCC compliance testing services. Call now!
Learn more about our FCC approval services
Product sheet - FCC Test Certification Services | 889 KB | Download |