Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of a product to work satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment (immunity), without introducing its own electromagnetic interference (emission).
The EMC laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Italia (ISO 17025 accredited) verifies compliance with the harmonised Technical Standards according to the Essential Requirements of Directive 2014/30/EU, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), for placing products on the European market.
In December 2020, TÜV Rheinland Italia opened a second EMC test chamber equipped with the highest level of equipment that allows to perform countless tests. The dimensions of the chamber and of the turn table allow to carry out tests on products of considerable dimensions such as complete vehicles or electronic assemblies formed by different cabinets and control / actuation equipment.
Why TÜV Rheinland Italia?
Competence, professionalism, attention to the customer, services for access to international markets, are just some of the strengths of TÜV Rheinland Italia.
In the laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Italia, tests are carried out to verify compliance with directives / regulations (EMC, RED / R & TTE, ECE Regulation 10-automotive), such as emissions (detection of the electromagnetic field emitted by the products): survey of conducted (through the signal and / or power cables) and radiated (via ether) disturbance, survey of the emitted magnetic field, survey of harmonics and flicker (disturbances) introduced by the product on the power supply network; EMC characterizations in situ on railway equipment, machines, electronic equipment, industrial vehicles, industrial and civil environments; immunity: evaluation of the behavior of the apparatus under test when subjected to external electromagnetic stresses (electrostatic discharge, fast transient, surge, radiated and conducted electromagnetic field, performed pulses according to automotive specifications, magnetic field, etc.); pre-compliance tests.
Our Accreditations
- CB.
- FCC.
- KBA.
- NSA.
Major Test Activities
- Conducted Emission (up to 250A 3 ph).
- Conducted Immunity (including Bulk Current, specific impulses).
- Radiated Emission ( turntable up to 5x3x3m, 5t products).
- Radiated Immunity (up to 200V/m on 5x3x2m products).
- Magnetic Fields.
Major Testing Services
- Compliance with the requirements for placing products on the markets: European, North America, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Japan, etc.
- CB certification.
Major Product Applications
- Household.
- Multimedia.
- Medical Device.
- Luminary.
- Pump.
- Machinery.
- EV Charger.
- PV inverter.
- Automotive components.
- Vehicles.
Major standards we handle
- IEC/EN 61000-6-X
- CISPR 14
- CISPR 15
- CISPR 25
- CISPR 32
- CISPR 35
- ETSI 301 489
- IEC EN 60601-1-2
- IEC 61851-21-2
Testing Equipment
- Nr.2 SAC (3m, 5-10m, 5m turn-table up to 5 ton).
- Nr.4 Sheilded room.
- 2 set RF ampli (9kHz..6GHz).
- 4 RF receiver (10Hz..44GHz).
- Antennas form 9kHz to 40GHz.
- Automotive Impuls generators.
- Bulk Current Injection set-up.
- ESD, Burst, Surge, Flickering, Harmonics measurement systems.
How to find us?
TÜV Rheinland Italia S.r.l.
Via E. Mattei, 3
20005, Pogliano Milanese (MI)
Tel. +39 02 939 687 331
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