Forest Certification - FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC), VLHH (Legality Assurance Verification), V-legal (Legality Assurance) and SFM (Mandatory scheme)

Strengthen the Trust of Your Customers – with Our FSC® Certifications for Your Forest Management or Chain of Custody
The environmental awareness of end consumers and in the industry and economy is growing, leading to an increased demand for wood products from responsible sources. But for the customer it is often difficult to trace the origin of products and the way the forest was managed or to recognize wood-based materials from responsibly managed forests.
Responsible forest management can be verified by a FSC® Forest Management Certification. The management of your forests will be assessed according to the FSC® principles and will be certified upon successful compliance with the criteria.
With a FSC® Certification you also demonstrate to your customers that you care about the chain from the management of the forest to the finished wood product. We certify your entire product chain (chain of custody), i.e. all owners of the wood starting at the forest via the entire production and retail chain to the finished product.
Secure your competitive edge now and contact our experts about your FSC® Certification.
Demonstrate the Use of Responsibly Produced Raw Materials you’re your Environmental Awareness – with Our FSC® Certifications

In order to label your goods with a registered FSC® logo or to sell them as FSC® certified products, as a member of a production and commercial chain you will need a FSC® Chain of Custody Certification. As a forestry business, a FSC® Forest Management Certification gives you the opportunity to document your responsible management of the forest. This way you can demonstrate the use of responsibly manufactured raw materials for the production of your products along the entire production and retail chain – a clear advantage over your competitors.
In addition, all holders of a FSC® certificate issued by us are entered into our data base and are also announced on the official website of the FSC®. This is an additional benefit for you, because manufacturers, users or consumers are using these sites to research FSC® certified forestry businesses and companies along the product chain.
The Way to Your Competitive Advantage – Three Steps to Your FSC® Certificate

The FSC® rules and regulations in combination with our certification program form the basis for your FSC® Certification. Depending on the type and origin of your products and the number of locations to be certified, different FSC® standards apply. The FSC® Certification process has the following three steps:
- Quotation Phase
You contact our experts and we will send you all relevant application materials and any additional information needed for a FSC® Certification. After you returned to us the completed questionnaire and provided all relevant basic information, we will prepare an individual quotation for your FSC® Certification. You will then send the signed quotation back to us, including application form and license agreement. - On-site Audits
Our expert auditors conduct audits on location at your company sites to assess for instance whether an intermixing of certified and non-certified wood can be ruled out and to identify any weak points. Audits include talks with the Executive Management and employees to establish conformity with the requirements of the applicable FSC® standards. - Conformity Assessment and Certificate
All audit results will be provided to you in a conformity assessment, where we also inform you of any non-conformities. After a positive assessment, you will receive your FSC® certificate and the right to use the registered FSC® logo. Subsequent annual surveillance audits will ensure the continuous improvement of your processes.
Obtain a FSC® Certification for Your Company
With an easy and transparent certification process, the DIN CERTCO experts are your partner for a successful FSC® Certification. Our 40 years experience in the certification business and a large network of seasoned experts will give you the expertise needed for your professional FSC® Certification.
Demonstrate and document sustainability and environmental awareness with the registered FSC® logo. Contact us for your custom quotation now.
Special contact for customers located in China, HongKong and Taiwan
DIN CERTCO established cooperation with TUV Rheinland in order to provide local support to customers located in China, HongKong, and Taiwan.
For further questions, please refer to DIN CERTCO in
or the affiliate office in
In case you do not wish support by our local partner, please let us know when applying for certification.
General FAQ about the Forest Stewardship Council FSC
FAQ about Our FSC® CoC Certification Service
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Nothing less than the future is at stake. Companies, institutions, public authorities and each and every one of us can play a positive role in shaping the path to tomorrow. We provide you with comprehensive support to ensure that you operate safely, sustainably and efficiently for many years to come.
Disclaimer: At TÜV Rheinland, the neutrality, objectivity, independency and impartiality of our activities are of utmost importance. Our assessment and audit activities follow these values in compliance with the applicable accreditation requirements. All the necessary structural, organizational and processual measures are in place in all levels of the organization in order to avoid conflicts of interest (e.g. rigorous separation of consultancy and certification) and to ensure impartiality. We do not offer or provide management system consultancy by an accredited certification body for management systems. Within the TR Group, we ensure a minimum 2-year interval between management system consultancy and certification activity for the same costumer.
S-PHL (Certification on Sustainable Forest Management) a mandatory scheme
The Indonesian government, specifically the ministry of environment and forestry, requires all forest management operating in Indonesia to conduct this assessment/certification. This certification is based on Minister of Forestry Regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning Forest Management and Preparation of Forest Management Plans, and Forest Utilization in Protected and Production Forests. Meanwhile, the assessment standards and guidelines refer to the Minister of Forestry Regulation No. SK. 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/12/2022 dated December 14, 2022 concerning Standards and Guidelines for the Implementation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System..
The regulation stipulates the type of forest management unit, the assessment standards and guidelines used, the validity period of the certificate and the time of assessment, as follows:
Certificate Scheme: S-PHL
Scope of Certification: Forest Utilization Business Licensing (PBPH) in Production Forests, PBPH in Protected Forests and Management Rights Holders (e.g Perhutani)
Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 1.1;1.2 and 2.1 (assessment standard)
Validity Period of Certificate
Annex 1.3 (guidelines) 6 years (the final performance score with predicate "Medium" or "Good"
- Surveillance 24 months for “Good” grade; 18 months for “Medium” of final performance score.
S-Legalitas (for initial certification)
- 12 months of surveillance only once for PBPH and Forest management rights (e.g Perhutani)
Verifikasi Legalitas Hasil Hutan (VLHH) dan V-Legal Dokumen (Timber Legality Assurance System (VLHH) & V-Legal Document)
Verification of Forest Legality (VLHH) is a verification mechanism in the timber legality assurance system for upstream and downstream distribution of forest timber in Indonesia. This verification/certification is mandatory for forest management units as timber producers in the upstream and timber-processing primary industries and timber-based advanced industries in the downstream.
This verification/certification is based on the Minister of Forestry Regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning Forest Administration and Preparation of Forest Management Plans, as well as Forest Utilization in Protected Forests and Production Forests. Meanwhile, the assessment standards and guidelines refer to the Minister of Forestry Regulation No. SK. 9895/MenLHK-PHL/BPPHH/HPL.3/12/2022 dated December 14, 2022 concerning Standards and Guidelines for the Implementation of the Legality and Sustainability Verification System.
The regulation stipulates the type of forest management unit and industrial license, the assessment standards and guidelines used, the validity period of the certificate and the time of assessment, as follows
Certification Scheme: Legality Certificate (S-Legalitas)
Scope of Certification/License Holder:
1. Forest Utilization Business Licensing (PBPH) in Production Forests, PBPH in Protected Forests and Management Rights Holders (e.g Perhutani)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.1 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.5 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 3
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 12
2. Timber Utilization of Non-Forestry Activities (PKKNK)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.2 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.5 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 1
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 6
2. Social Forestry Management License (PPPS)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.3 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.5 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 24
2. Social Forestry Management License (PPPS)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.3 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.5 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 24
4. Cultivation Rights Forest
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.4 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 9
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 36
5. Natural Rights Forest
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 2.4 (assessment standard) and Annex 2.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 9
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 12
6. Business License of Forest Product Processing (PBPHH/Perizinan Berusaha Pengolahan Hasil Hutan)/Bussiness Licensing for Industrial Business Activities (PB untuk Kegiatan Usaha Industri)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.1; 3.2 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 12
- Notes: All wood materials and/or its derivate :
- - Raw materials of wood from natural forest
- - Raw materials of wood from Cultivation Forest of State Forest and/or
- - Listed on CITES
- Notes: All wood materials and/or its derivate :
6. Business License of Forest Product Processing (PBPHH/Perizinan Berusaha Pengolahan Hasil Hutan)/Bussiness Licensing for Industrial Business Activities (PB untuk Kegiatan Usaha Industri)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.1; 3.2 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 24
- Notes: All wood materials and/or its derivate :
- - cultivation wood from private forest
- - imported wood
- - wood from building demolition/ scrap wood and/or
- - recycled wood
- Notes: All wood materials and/or its derivate :
7. The Wood Depot (TPT-KB)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.3 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- 1) For 6 years (Surveillance 36 months)*
- *Note: Cultivation wood from private forest
- 1) For 6 years (Surveillance 36 months)*
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 12
- All materials come from:
- - Natural forest and/or
- - Cultivation Forest of State Forest
8. The Wood Depot (TPT-KB)
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.3 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 36
- Notes: All materials come from Cultivation wood from private forest
9. Exporter
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.4 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 12
- Notes: All products has been certified S-PHL/S-Legalitas/Forest Product Self Declaration
10. Importer
- Standard and Guidance Applied: Annex 3.5 (assessment standard) and Annex 3.6 (guidelines)
- Validity (years): 6
- Maximum Period of Surveillance (months): 24
Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Business of TUV Rheinland Indonesia | 611 KB | Download |
PHL & VLHH New Applicant
Public Announcement VLHH
PT Danwood Nusantara
PT Esprite Nomade
PT Far East Seating
PT Good Wood Interior
PT Het Waren Huis
PT HNC Indonesia Jaya
PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper - Perawang Mill
PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper - Tangerang Mill
PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper - Serang Mill
PT Indotrade Multiniaga
PT Inizio
PT Jogja Mebel
PT Karya Mitra Seraya
PT Kukar Commodities Worldwide (IUIPHHK)
PT Maju Jaya Sejahtera Plywood Industri
PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp and Paper Industry
PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp and Paper Industry (Hutan Hak)
CV M3 Cakrawala
CV M3 Cakrawala – Eksportir Non Produsen
PT Madei Manufcture and Design
PT Maratea Semarang
PT Matahari Jaya Internasional
PT Multay International Indonesia
PT Nagabhuana Aneka Piranti
PT Nova Indonesia
PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk
PT Pacific Furniture
UD Perdana
PT Pesona Indonesia Plywood Industri
PT Phoenix Agung Pratama
PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills-Perawang
PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills-Karawang
PT Putra Buana Indonesia Wood Industry
PT Quality Works
PT Rajawali Perkasa Furniture
CV Rattan Village Center Of Indonesia
PT Recife
CV Ribka
PT Romi Violeta
PT Sagaya Megah Lestari
CV Seken
PT Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa
CV SNR Ekspor Furindo
CV Surya Sejati
PT The Univenus – Perawang Mill
PT Totum Diba
CV Tropicalia
CV Valasindo Sentra Usaha
PT Pijar Sukma
PT Yanamury Rattan
CV Makin Makmur
PT OKI Pulp and Paper Mills