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Private Vocational Schools and Colleges

Private Vocational Schools and Colleges

Vocational Schools: Quality Professional Training

Our goal is to train young people to become highly motivated and qualified members of the workforce. In our private vocational schools and colleges, young people learn a wide range of professional skills through practical training. Our students further enhance their qualifications with their work experience in internships at home and abroad. Your future employees come with versatile skills and first-hand knowledge of a number of different businesses.

Benefits at a Glance

By employing graduates of TÜV Rheinland vocational schools, you:

  • Avoid risk while saving time and money - by cutting in-house training
  • Build up your team with motivated, versatile professionals - you can even hand-select your future employees while they are still in training, by creating internship positions at your own company
  • Benefit from our high standards of education - and from the practical experiences our graduates gain during their training, whether through working on projects for business clients or completing required internships in various companies at home and abroad

Meet Your Future Employees

You have the opportunity to meet our students while they still in training. Join us in developing work projects for our student companies. Or, create an internship position at your own company for students to learn the ropes - you may find yourself inviting them back to stay! Ask our teachers - we can show you the many options available to you as a company.

Additional Qualifications

We give students the chance to acquire qualifications that go above and beyond the general requirements for their training. These qualifications include TÜV Rheinland Premium certificates, international language certificates, and other technical designations. We can tailor the syllabus of a student's training, based on the demands of the companies with which they work.


Depending on the area of training, students can also earn a technical college certificate.

The Qualifications

Depending on the chosen profession, our graduates complete full professional training in two to three years. A final state examination concludes the training. The certification our graduates receive is therefore recognized nationwide. Our curriculum is practice based, meaning our students learn by doing - whether working on projects in cooperation with businesses in their chosen field, or in internships at home and abroad.

Education at Our Vocational Schools

Students at our vocational schools complete the German "Secondary School II" (Sekundarbereich II) diploma. Once they have completed this phase, students are prepared for earning final professional qualifications and entering the workforce. Depending on the area of training, students can also pursue university study.

Careers in Tourism, Tech, and Creative Fields

Upon passing their final examinations, graduates receive the professional title of "state-certified assistant." The training for a professional assistant complies with all quality and education standards for this sector, as established by the federal education committee.

Careers in Health and Social Services

Depending on the federal regulations for the chosen field, training varies for careers in health and social services.


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