Inspection for Pipelines

Safe and available pipelines thanks to our inspection services
Whether you are a designer, manufacturer or operator of pipelines, safety defects can have harmful effect on people and the environment. Unplanned outages and additional requirements can affect the economical operation of your system.
We help you to implement the safety and conformity requirements for your pipelines. As a recognized inspection body, we offer you our expertise in all relevant fields. Our services apply to:
- Material technology, pipe production
- Strength calculation and design
- Hazards / risks analysis
- Quality management, manufacturer assessment
- Welding technology
- Non-destructive testing methods, pigging technology
- Electrical and control technology
- Process technology
- Corrosion protection
- Explosion protection
- Water protection
- Pipeline operation, restoration, repairs
- Inspections in line with recognized international rules
Learn more about our inspection services for pipelines. Contact our experts today!
Professional support for a smooth operating process and a longer service life for your systems
With our extensive practical experience, we can offer you tailored solutions for pipelines and pipeline systems. We help you to optimize your processes and thereby ensure that your operations run smoothly. Our pipeline inspection allows you to discover hidden damage and material fatigue at an early stage. As a result, your systems and equipment maintain their value for longer, and you can maximize their operating life. During the planning phase, our experts help you to reduce construction costs and prevent unnecessary delays. In addition, our services help you to improve legal certainty while simultaneously reducing liability claims.

Benefit from our inspection services for pipelines.
Pipeline inspections in each project phase – for quality and safety
We offer our inspection services for every phase of your pipelines, from engineering to ongoing operation. They include:
- In-house training in all operational subjects
- Experience exchange (pipeline seminars, pipeline symposium)
- Design review, expert opinion
- Support during preparation of all required design documents
- Examination of manufacturer’s qualifications
- Pressure testing, proof testing for an integral increase in material strength
- Requirements for the system as per the state of the art, requirements for suitable leakage detection systems, specification of leakage rates
- Approval of the testing program for periodic inspections
- Periodic inspections of the pipeline system, mechanical integrity, telecontrol technology, cathodic protection, electrical systems
- Recording and tracking of flaws, recommendations for testing intervals
- Selection of suitable intelligent inspection pigs to record the pipeline condition (dents, cracks, corrosion, material flaws, peaking etc.)
- Assessment of data and flaws
- Assessment of operational stability, service life calculation, fitness-for-purpose analysis
- Support during maintenance measures (continued operation, repair, removal), modification of operating modes
- Auditing / neutral assessment of management system
- Damage assessment, damage report, material testing
Our pipeline inspections comply with the relevant regulations and national rules of the country responsible.
Expertise and experience in the inspection of pipelines
Our inspectors undergo several years of appropriate training before they are allowed to perform inspections independently. Regular additional training ensures that all inspectors’ knowledge is maintained up-to-date. To ensure that our inspectors can provide individual and legally reliable support, they are trained in line with the relevant set of rules.
We are constantly working on our inspection and calculation methods, so we will be able to achieve optimal results for pipeline operators in future as well.
Learn more about the support we can provide.
Guided Wave testing on pipes and pipelines in oil and gas, chemical and petro-chemical facilities | 791 KB | Download |