Management Know-how and Communication Training

Master your soft skill set with our management and leadership training courses and seminars
Be a better leader, communicator, organizer and motivator, in addition to enjoying more success by taking part in our soft skills seminar and training courses.
Our soft-skill, communication, self-management and time management seminars and training courses help you to be more effective and confident in your daily work. They supply managers in industries of all kinds as well as employees with necessary key soft-skills to successfully build upon, use and deliver their specialist know-how. Our soft-skills seminars that are also applicable for the public sector and non-profit organizations help you to make better choices and evaluations of your current and future employees.
We offer a large range of training courses and seminars that can be easily combined to systematically develop your skills. These are delivered by our highly experienced and knowledgeable trainers, with a large emphasis placed on practical usage.
Book a training course. Call our experts today.
Convince through expertise as well as personal, social and methodological competence with our management and leadership training
In order to succeed in the modern changing world, it has become increasingly necessary to have clear organisation and communication. This is despite ever more complex inter-connections and heightened demands on individuals.
An important goal of our training is the improvement of your skills needed for dealing with customers, suppliers and partners on both a national and international level.
By taking our courses, you benefit from having the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver your specialist knowledge effectively and confidently. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to understand how to form an effective and functioning team. With our training program it is possible to systematically develop your soft-skills, by building your new knowledge onto the understanding you gained in previous courses.
Our management and leadership training courses and seminars provide you with the necessary soft skills and management expertise

We offer a range of combinable seminars and courses that can be used to systematically develop and enlarge your soft-skills. These are delivered in a practice orientated way by our highly experienced experts who understand the daily challenges you encounter and the needs of the customer.
These seminars include:
- Management and team leadership – learn how you lead and motivate your employees, how you deal with conflicts or how you efficiently instruct them.
- Presentation and moderation – we show you methods how you convince and captivate your listeners, and as a consequence effectively deliver your content.
- Communication and rhetoric – as successful communication can be mastered, learn to convincingly argue, effective lead talks and quickly react.
- Time and self-management – we show you strategies to use your time better and more efficiently, minimize your work-related stress and how you successfully deal with conflicts.
Trust our long-term experience in management and leadership training
We can offer you an extensive range of management and leadership training seminars and courses. This allows the targeted and systematic development of technique and leadership know-how skills. We put great emphasis on a large practice component and development of useable knowledge.
For more than 30 years we have successfully conducted seminars for the skill development of specialists and leadership personnel, including internal training in our own organisation. We can therefore use our experience for the benefit of the participants in our seminars.
Our trainers are professional practitioners with extensive training expertise in their specialist areas. They know the challenges of the daily experience encountered by employees.
Benefit from tapping into our knowledge. Call us to book your seminar!