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Tests du verre dans l’industrie automobile

Tests du verre dans l’industrie automobile

Ensure that Your Automotive Glass Complies with Highest Safety Standards

Glass used in automotive applications has to sustain different forms of pressure and safety regulations. As a manufacturer or supplier of glass that is used in cars, trucks, busses, commercial, agricultural or other vehicles such as mobile homes or caravans, you are undoubtedly confronted with the fact that your products must comply with the rigorous safety standards that are stipulated in the United Nations ECE R43 homologation program. As accredited and notified body, TÜV Rheinland employs knowledgeable experts that support you with all of your testing and approval processes that are related to automotive glass applications.

TÜV Rheinland is accredited as a technical service laboratory for ECE R43 glass testing for automotive applications. As a precursor TÜV Rheinland is eligible to audit and certify your automotive glass products and production processes under the approval of the RDW (Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer - the administrative department and approval authority for the Netherlands) and the KBA (Kraftfahrt-BundesAmt - the administrative department and approval authority in Germany). By this position in the automotive market, TÜV Rheinland is your specialist partner in all quality and certification matters related to automotive glass.

Benefits at a Glance

With TÜV Rheinland as your partner for certifying glass for automotive applications in compliance with ECE R43, you:

  • Can sell glass to the automotive and vehicle industry, with the reassurance that your products are certified and approved
  • Receive full support from TÜV Rheinland experts for testing and approving automotive glass
  • Count on help when extending your range to new products
  • Get all the necessary quality assurance audits to ensure your production is in compliance with the required standards, verified by COP (Conformity of Production) audits for RDW or appointed contractors

Our Range of Services

Along with inspections and test services that comply with United Nations ECE Regulation 43 and other industrial standards for automotive glass products, our experts offer glass manufacturers the following services:

  • On-site and off-site testing
  • Scope definition
  • ECE R43 testing on toughened glass, ordinary or treated laminated glass, glass plastics
  • Testing for:
    • Fragmentation
    • Mechanical strength (ball drop tests)
    • Head form tests
    • Abrasion tests
    • High temperature tests
    • Radiation and humidity tests
    • Light transmission tests
    • Optical distortion tests
    • Secondary image test
    • Colour tests
    • Resistance to fire
    • Temperature changes and chemical tests

Further Related Services

Additionally to checks and testing services for ECE R43 approval, we also provide services in the areas of:

  • Evaluation of new designs and / or prototypes
  • Flat glass testing for construction and building work
  • Glass testing for furniture
  • Glass testing for greenhouses
  • Special bend glass testing for construction work
  • Glass testing for kitchens and showers
  • Glass testing for elevators
  • Glass testing for sound barriers for motorways / highways and train tracks
  • Direct contact with experts


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