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Pipeline Integrity Management System

Pipeline integrity management services | TÜV Rheinland

Safe and reliable operation with expert pipeline integrity management

Operators of pipelines in the oil and gas and other high-hazard industries must be sure equipment and materials are fit for service and functioning according to the highest safety and production levels in order to stay compliant and profitable.

Our independent verification and assessment services of your pipeline integrity management system (PIMS) assures you are compliant with increasingly stringent statutory regulation and operating to the highest standards.

Our experts implement state-of-the-art standards and methods to provide effective pipeline safety and integrity management systems built upon qualified personnel using defined processes to sustain and maintain productive and safe facilities. A strong and reliable PIMS strategy ensures your social accountability commitments to public safety and environmental protection.

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Tailored solutions for productive and profitable pipelines

Pipeline integrity management | TÜV Rheinland
Benefit from the advantages of our pipeline integrity management services.

Our custom PIMS solutions can help you minimize pipeline failure, spills and incidents to protect the public, your employees and the environment as well as ensure your customers reliable service. By identifying and analyzing actual as well as precursor events, our experienced staff examines the likelihood and potential severity of incidents affecting your pipeline. We provide you structured, easily-communicated measures for selecting and implementing risk reduction action. We assess and track system performance in order to increase the performance of your pipeline assets. We make sure you meet all statutory requirements of compliance to keep you up and running for your customers.

Essential services for reliable pipeline integrity management systems

Pipelines used in the oil and gas and other high hazard industries must adhere to regular statutory inspections, verifications and certifications. According to strict requirements, operators must be able to demonstrate and document the integrity of their pipelines at all times. A comprehensive integrated PIMS provides assessment of associated risks and implements measures to mitigate consequential failure. We independently assure the reliability and industrial safety of your pipelines with safety integrity checks, damage diagnosis, failure analysis, explosion-proof assessments, a wide range of safety verifications and industrial safety management services.

In order to support you in establishing and maintaining excellent PIMS, we can:

  • Create a Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS) according to ANSI /API RP 1173
  • Set up a Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) according to API RP 1160, ASME B31.8S or EN 16348
  • Provide pipeline risk assessment according to the Pipeline Risk Management Manual (3rd edition, W. Kent Muhlbauer)
  • Issue type certification for the in-line inspection tool
  • Test and certify composite repair systems according to ASME PCC-2 and ISO TS 24817
  • Provide API-U training for pipeline integrity management personnel

Our assessment consulting and third-party verification services are available for:

  • Pipeline integrity by In-Line Inspection according to API 1163 or NACE SP 0102
  • Pipeline integrity by pressure test according to API 1110, ASME B31.8, etc.
  • Pipeline integrity by Eternal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) according to NACE SP 0502
  • Pipeline integrity by Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) according to NACE SP 0206
  • Pipeline remaining strength and lifetime according to ASME B31G, API 579, ASME FFS, etc.
  • Leak detection systems according to API 1130, API 1175, TRFL, etc.

Our services provide you independent verification of your PIMS and assess your compliance with statutory regulations governing industrial safety and environmental protection. We provide you comprehensive services packaged according to your corporate accountability commitment as well as your individual business needs.

Your experienced and effective partner for PIMS

Our global network of highly trained and experienced specialists assists operators worldwide with developing efficient pipeline integrity assessment and management strategies. We help you set up quality systems and procedures and choose the inspections best for your particular situation. We conduct independent inspections with reliable results to help you make informed decisions and introduce effective solutions to minimize risk and protect your investments.

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