Testing and Certification of Lighting Products

Safe, secure and sustainable with recognized lighting testing
Increasingly sophisticated lighting technologies ensure safety and enhance security measures in both public and private spaces. Intelligent systems provide reliable and effective performance to support sustainable and efficient energy use.
We provide comprehensive testing services for a wide variety of lighting products in our accredited laboratory according to recognized standards. Our specialists conduct expert testing of lighting systems and components to ensure your products receive type approvals relevant to national and international markets.
We support you in making sure your lighting products perform appropriately and reliably to boost consumer confidence and strengthen your company image.
Light up world markets with your functional and compliant products!
Tested and trusted for global market success
Testing in our accredited laboratory ensures that your lighting systems and components are compliant with all legal regulations and meet the highest quality standards. Our experienced team provides you with expert consulting, effective solutions and rapid processing to save you both time and money. We are in close communication with European and international type approval authorities to ensure your success in attaining the documentation you need to enter markets and gain consumer trust anywhere in the world.

Our services for testing of lighting technology
As lighting laboratory our testing services are further confirmed by following accreditation and designation certificates:
- Accreditation certificate of the German Accreditation Body Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS)
- Designation certificate of German Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA, E1)
- Designation certificate of British Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA, E11)
- Designation certificate of National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI, E24)
- Designation certificate of Luxembourgian Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation (SNCH, E13)
- Designation certificate of the Netherlands Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer (RDW, E4)
- Designation certificate of the Swedish Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency, E5)
- Accreditation certificate of Taiwanese Vehicle Safety Certification Center (VSCC)
Our laboratory is further accredited by the National Accreditation Body of Germany (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 to provide comprehensive services affecting:
- Automotive lighting, traffic lights
- Bicycle lighting devices
- Airport and aircraft lighting
- Railway lighting and traffic signals
- Maritime lighting and signals
- Personal protective equipment for high visibility
- Phosphorescent materials for security systems
- Other lighting measurements
We provide our customers from the automotive sector with technical reports for type approval. Our experts support you with precision assessment and test services during development and prototype production as well as practical know-how and years of experience in optimization processes. We can also prepare individually tailored and basic test reports for vehicles to be imported.
Our testing services for automotive lighting products are conducted according to:
- International UN(ECE) regulations and/or EU Directives
- German Road Traffic Regulations (StVZO)
- Taiwanese Vehicle Safety Testing Directions (VSTD)
- Indian Automotive Industry Standards (AIS)
- Chinese GB standards
- US legislation (FMVSS108/SAE)
Our TÜV Rheinland laboratory is authorized to conduct lighting measurement services in accordance with numerous international regulations such as the notable DIN, EN, CIE or IEC standards. State-of-the-art equipment and future-based technology allow us to thoroughly evaluate and inspect any lighting system or component.
Technical equipment used for lighting tests and measurements in our laboratory include:
- Goniophotometers with sensors at 5 m, 10 m und 25 m
- Colorimeters
- Retro-reflection measuring systems at 15 m and 30.46 m (100 ft)
- Spectroradiometers
- Ulbricht integrating sphere (1 m diameter)
- Illuminance meters
- Luminance meter
- Flash light measuring system
- Diffuse light measuring system
- Refractive measuring system
- Mist retardant measuring system
- Transmittance and reflectance measurement system
- Various equipment for simulation of environmental conditions like temperature, moisture, dust and corrosion
- Measurement equipment of our partner laboratories for special tests
We have the right courses for you
We offer individual seminars and trainings on lighting as in-house sessions that take into account the specific needs of our customers.
Your accredited partner for testing of lighting products and type approval
Our international laboratory with the most modern testing equipment has opened the doors of the European and Asian market for our customers. We will soon be providing access to the US market as well. Our experienced and internationally recognized team actively participates in regulatory development to stay abreast of the very latest requirements. Our experts have their finger on the pulse of the latest trends and are keenly aware of the direction of future developments. Accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, our laboratory has doubled its capacity to ensure you the best services in the shortest testing times possible to achieve the approvals relevant to your lighting products.
Learn more about our testing of lighting products! Ask our experts!