Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Protection

Plant and Equipment Safety in Nuclear Engineering
We have been active in the field of nuclear engineering as a testing organization since the beginning of civilian use of nuclear power. We support atomic licensing and regulatory authorities, operators of nuclear plants, companies that construct and install nuclear plants and equipment, and component manufacturers and service providers for the nuclear engineering market, including support in decommissioning and deconstruction of nuclear plants. We also advise licensing and regulatory authorities and conduct technical and administrative training courses on applicable laws and regulations.
Benefits at a Glance
With customized solutions for nuclear plants from TÜV Rheinland, you can:
- Reinforce the confidence of employees, local residents, and the general public in the safety of your nuclear facility.
- Ensure a high level of safety.
- Help prevent incidents.
- Enhance regulatory compliance.
- Benefit from our international network of experts and one-stop shop service, whether you are acting as an operator, government authority, or supplier.
Our Range of Inspections for Nuclear Plants
- Research reactors and research facilities
- Pressurized water reactors
- Boiling water reactors
- Fast-breeder reactors
- High-temperature reactors
- Uranium enrichment plants
Contact us now, to learn more about how our services for the nuclear industry can benefit your company.
Quality Management, Safety Management, and Safety Practices in Nuclear Power Plants
Our experts support companies in the area of nuclear engineering and the manufacturers and service providers supplying the nuclear engineering market. We assess management systems and applicable processes and provide support to licensing and regulatory authorities. Our services include:
- Assessment and qualification of manufacturing based on local and international regulations such as Kerntechnische Ausschuss (KTA), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or RCC-M
- System and process audits
- Conformity certifications
- Safety management and safety practice inspections and consultations
- Documentation reviews
Conformity Evaluations of Systems and Nuclear Components
Conformity analyses review basic data and design data relevant to the fulfillment of requirements in applicable nuclear and conventional engineering regulations and specifications. Our support can be provided in the context of a formal preliminary review or as consulting services rendered as part of the layout process. The conformity analysis is carried out for components and systems primarily in the following fields:
- Equipment for handling machinery and materials
- Electrical and control system engineering
- [Pressure vessels ]in nuclear engineering
Nuclear Power Plant, Equipment, and Process Safety
Having performed safety analyses for many major international nuclear power projects in Germany and abroad our experts have several years of extensive process engineering knowledge and experience. Taking plant-specific requirements and conditions into account, they focus on the following elements when evaluating the safety of a nuclear power plant:
- Safety concept and safety classification
- Reactor design and thermodynamics
- Functional analyses
- Incident analyses
- Fire prevention
- Service life analyses
Nuclear Engineering Inspection Office
Safe operation of a nuclear power plant depends on the quality of the components and systems used in the facility. To ensure quality, our inspectors are continuously deployed to suppliers of these components and systems, but our activities are not limited to inspection. We also support you in the following areas:
- Quality inspection of the components and systems used in a plant
- Expediting
- Construction supervision and works acceptance
- Non-destructive testing
Radiation Protection
We offer comprehensive radiation protection services that support compliance with the requirements of Atomic Energy Regulations (Atomgesetz (AtG)), Radiation Protection Regulations (Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV)), X-ray Regulations (Röntgenverordnung (RöV)), and subordinate regulations. These services focus on the following aspects:
- Location and environment
- Dispersion simulations and emergency management
- Testing of X-ray equipment
- Radiation protection planning and testing of accelerators
- Radiation protection planning and testing of radionuclide laboratories
- Testing of tightness of radioactive sources
- Disposal
- Release procedures and clearance measurements
- Gamma spectrometric in-situ measurements and laboratory measurements
- Radiation protection measurements
- Shielding calculations and radiology-related occupational safety and health issues
Condition Monitoring
For the safe operation of a nuclear power plant, systems and components must be audited periodically and whenever modifications are made. Inspection can either be carried out by either doing functional testing or non-destructive testing. TÜV Rheinland evaluates pending plant modifications in relation to their effects on the safety of the overall nuclear power plant and how these changes will affect compliance with regulations of existing licenses. Our evaluations include:
- Periodic functional testing
- Non-destruction testing
- Expert evaluation of modifications
- Operational radiation protection
- Discharge and release
- Dose determination
Non-destructive Testing (NDT)
Our experts are specialists in the application of advanced non- destructive testing methods. In addition to our capabilities in conventional NDT and inspection services (VT, PT, MT, ET, RT, UT, LT), we can help you to master the special challenges of the nuclear industry with diverse solutions in advanced NDT methods encompassing:
- Phased Array
- Time of Flight Diffraction
- Computed Radiography
- Corrosion Mapping
- High Temperature Inspection
- Pulsed Eddy Current
Our NDT experts support nuclear energy projects through training, consulting and technical justification.
Shutdown and Decomissioning of Nuclear Power Plants
Our nuclear energy experts have acquired comprehensive knowledge over more than 20 years of expert evaluation in shutting down and decommissioning nuclear power plants of various designs and with other types of nuclear facilities. Our range of services includes:
- Support for operators and service providers of nuclear plants in preparing licensing and planning documentation.
- Expert evaluation and assessment of all nuclear decommissioning strategies related to radiation protection measures.
- Assessment of dismantling procedures and handling facilities, waste management, release procedures, disposal, transport, and storage of radioactive materials.
- Expert evaluation of waste storage facilities.
- Expert evaluations for licensing and regulatory authorities in all phases of shutdown and decommissioning.
Legal Basis of Our Services
- Atomic Energy Regulations (Atomgesetz (AtG))
- Radiation Protection Regulations (Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV))
- X-ray Regulations (Röntgenverordnung (RöV))
- Standards of the Nuclear Engineering Committee (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA))
- ASME – collection of standards from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- RCC-M – AFCEN Design and Conception Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
Energy Expertise Everywhere

We deliver precise, impartial and technically superior services for investors, manufacturers and operators in the energy industry.
Take a look at our project reference map : There you will find selected customer projects.
Nuclear Technology Articles
5th Annual Nuclear Power Asia 2014
Interview with Dr. Jens-Uwe Schmollack, Head of Competence Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection at TÜV Rheinland Industrie Services GmbH
More information