Services for Toys and Children’s Products

Retailers and manufacturers of toys and children’s products strive to fulfill safety and performance requirements, protecting toddlers and young infants from unsafe toys, building customer confidence and increasing their market position. It is especially important for customers that products for babies and children function properly and are made with good design and safe materials.
With our test mark, you can demonstrate your competitive edge and guide customers by letting them know that your products are safe, non-toxic, and of high quality. We are internationally accredited to support you with services to protect your customers and your business. We offer all-round support with testing and evaluation, from the design phase to delivery, ensuring that your products meet national and international standards and buyer requirements.
Safe and Compliant Consumer Goods. Meet Global Market Regulations with our Retail Services.

As a global retailer, you always try to reduce costs and drive efficiency throughout your organization, while also ensuring social and environmental standards as well as the product quality and compliance. Relay on the support of our Global Retail Services to reach your target. We provide a range of services at each stage of the product life cycle.
Our portfolio