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TÜV Rheinland at a Glance

TÜV Rheinland at a Glance

2023 key figures for TÜV Rheinland AG

  • €2.44 billion, of which 49.9% generated outside Germany
Annual average number of employees for the year
  • 22,092 of which 13,407 are outside Germany and 8,686 in Germany
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
  • €103.9 million
EBIT margin
  • 4.3%
EBIT adjusted for non-recurring effects
  • €174.2 million
Adjusted EBIT margin
  • 7.1%
  • €87.9 million
Business streams (shares of revenue)
  • Industrial Services & Cybersecurity 26.2 %
  • Mobility 27 %
  • Products 25 %
  • Academy & Life Care 11.4 %
  • Systems 10.4 %

Functions of TÜV Rheinland

Sustainable development of safety and quality in the interaction between man, technology and the environment in nearly all aspects of daily life and the economy. In its role as an independent third party, TÜV Rheinland tests technical systems, products and services, supports projects and tests processes for companies and organizations. Its experts also train people in a wide range of careers. To this end, TÜV Rheinland operates a global network of approved labs, testing and education centers.


TÜV Rheinland Group with

TÜV Rheinland Berlin Brandenburg Pfalz e.V.

TÜV Rheinland Foundation

TÜV Rheinland AG

Am Grauen Stein
51105 Cologne

Tel.: +49 2 21 8 06 0

TÜV Rheinland AG Management Board

  • Dr.-Ing. Michael Fübi (Chairman)
  • Katharina Baran
  • Philipp Kortüm

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TÜV Rheinland AG

Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther

Shareholder of TÜV Rheinland AG

TÜV Rheinland Berlin Brandenburg Pfalz e.V. (100%)

Management Board of TÜV Rheinland Berlin Brandenburg Pfalz e.V.

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Dr. h.c. Dieter Spath
  • Christian Kaiser
  • Dr. Lydia Sebastian
