Personnel certification for long-term management success. Discover the opportunities, benefits and processes now.

Now use the time in your home office for online training and certification - despite the virus

Now use the time in your home office for online training and certification - despite the virus

Decide on one of our numerous online seminars or exams and let our virtual solutions train and validate your knowledge and skills as a professional in your specialist field.

Credible proofs of competence for increased competitiveness.
Topic Credible proofs of competence for increased competitiveness.

Knowledge that makes a difference. PersCert TÜV verifies the qualifications of employees according to standardized testing procedures or with customized personnel certification programs based on your individual needs.

Lasting recognition through accredited degrees
Topic Lasting recognition through accredited degrees

Global markets demand globally comparable expertise – demonstrate to your business partners and customers that your expertise and your employees satisfy the highest requirements.

Customers right around the world place their confidence in our experience. Get informed now.
Topic Our references – Always be one step ahead of the competition.

Customers around the world trust our expertise in the area of personnel certification. Learn more about how other companies use personnel certificates in the area of recruiting, in quality assurance, or as proof of competence for customers.
