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USA - Safety Standard for Nursing Pillows

​The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recently issued a final rule establishing a consumer product safety standard for nursing pillows. CPSC is also amending its regulations regarding third party conformity assessment bodies, to include the safety standard for nursing pillows in the list of notices of requirements (NORs), along with identifying nursing pillows as a durable infant or toddler product subject to consumer registration requirements.

Nursing pillows are infant products intended to position and support an infant during breastfeeding, also referred to as nursing, or bottle feeding. These products generally rest upon or are “worn” by the caregiver while seated or partially reclined. 
This final rule sets a performance standard pursuant to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) that allows for the sale of nursing pillows that meet the requirements in the standard. This rule will become effective April 23, 2025.

Source Link: USA - Safety Standard for Nursing Pillows

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