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USA - Initiation of Prioritization Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and related implementing regulations, EPA is initiating the prioritization process for five chemical substances as candidates for designation as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation.

This action provides the identity of the chemical substances being initiated for prioritization, a general explanation of why the Agency chose these chemical substances, and information on the data sources EPA plans to use to support the designation.

EPA is providing a 90-day comment period, during which interested persons may submit relevant information on these chemical substances.

Comments must be received on or before March 18, 2025.

89 Federal Register (FR) 102903, December 18, 2024​:

This and other actions notified under the symbol G/TBT/N/USA/2133 are identified by Docket Number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2023-0601.

The Docket Folder is available on at and provides access to primary and supporting documents as well as comments received.

Documents are also accessible from by searching the Docket Number.

WTO Members and their stakeholders are asked to submit comments to the USA TBT Enquiry Point by or before 4pm Eastern Time on March 18, 2025.

Comments received by the USA TBT Enquiry Point from WTO Members and their stakeholders will be shared with EPA and will also be submitted to the Docket on if received within the comment period.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/USA/2133/Add.2

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