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USA - Hawaii Becomes the Ninth State to Ban PFAS in Certain Food Packaging Materials

​The Hawaii State's Governor has signed into law to ban per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in certain food packaging materials as well as class B firefighting foams containing PFAS.

The Government found that a 2021 study conducted by the Washington state Department of Ecology (DOE) sought to identify safer options to replace PFAS in food packaging. The study set forth certain considerations when looking for alternatives, including if the products were safer than PFAS, worked as well as or better than PFAS, were readily available for purchase to general consumers, and were cost comparable to the PFAS option. The DOE determined that less hazardous alternatives are available for the following four types of food packaging:

  • ​wraps and liners
  • plates
  • food boats and
  • pizza boxes

Therefore, beginning December 31, 2024, the above four types of packaging materials containing any intentionally added PFAS are prohibited in the State. This is done by adding a new part (Chapter 321) in Hawaii Revised Statutes

Source Link: HB 1644

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