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USA - FCC Opens Entire 6 GHz Band To Very Low Power Device Operations
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new rules allowing very low power (VLP) device operations across the entire 1,200 megahertz spectrum of the 6 GHz band.
This expansion will support a broad range of unlicensed and Wi-Fi-enabled devices, fostering innovative applications such as wearable technologies, augmented and virtual reality, and other high-data-rate uses.
Bands and Spectrum: VLP devices can now operate in the U-NII-6 (6.425-6.525 GHz) and U-NII-8 (6.875-7.125 GHz) bands, in addition to the previously allowed U-NII-5 (5.925-6.425 GHz) and U-NII-7 (6.525-6.875 GHz) bands.
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