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UAE - Draft Technical Regulation on Energy Efficiency Label for Electrical Appliances Part 5: Large-Capacity Air Conditioners

​This draft UAE Technical Regulation deals with the energy efficiency  labels and the minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) requirements for ACs factory-made residential, commercial, and industrial, electrically driven, mechanical compression more than 65000 BTU/H (19 KW) of:

- Ducted air conditioners using air and water-cooled condensers and ducted air-to-air heat pumps
- Water-source heat pumps
- Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioner systems and multi-spilt systems regardless of the capacity
- Condensing units
- Closed control air conditioners & condensing units serving computer rooms
- Chillers
The units are designed to operate in AC single phase or designed for dual voltage range three phase. 
Exclusion: This  standard does not apply to air conditioners covered  under the scope of standard UAE.S 5010-1.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/ARE/622

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