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Türkiye (Turkey) - Ecodesign Requirements for Household Tumble Dryers

Türkiye (Turkey) Ministry of Industry and Technology announces the ​​Ecodesign Requirements for Household Tumble Dryers.

Household tumble dryers must meet the ecodesign requirements when they are placed on the market or put into service, while also ensuring the free movement of these products within the Türkiye-EU Customs Union. This Communiqué fosters harmonization mandatory ec​odesign requirements for household tumble dryers.​

Proposed date of entry into force: July 1, 2025; Entry into force and application
a) Article 6 of this Communiqué shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
b) Other provisions shall enter into force on July 1, 2025.​

Source Link: G/TBT/N/TUR/215

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