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Saudi Arabia - Light Licensing Regulation Annex for 6GHz Frequency Band

​In accordance with the Telecommunications and Information Technology Act (the Act) and its Bylaw, the CST Ordinance(Ordinance), and to promote the optimal use of the frequency spectrum, foster emerging wireless technologies, establish a competitive and equitable environment, and enhance transparency and clarity in spectrum management within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, CST has issued light licensing regulations for the 6 GHz frequency band. CST seeks to gather stakeholder feedback on the Light Licensing Regulations for the 6 GHz Frequency Band. The regulation includes the mechanism that the CST will rely on to enable high-power applications while ensuring coexistence with the incumbent uses in the band, such as fixed point to point and fixed-satellite services, in line with the outcomes of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23). The primary objective of the light licensing regime is to enable smart management of the frequency spectrum, leveraging databases to efficiently allocate spectrum resources.

Public Consultations End Date: November 20, 2024

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