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Oman - Product Categories under the Technical Regulation on Conformity Scheme (Omani Ministerial Decree 190/202)

​The Omani Ministry of Commerce & Industry and investment promotion Directorate General for Specifications & Measurements​ (DGSM) notified WTO on December 17, 2024 regarding product categories under the technical regulation on conformity scheme (Omani Ministerial Decree190/2021).

They include: Childcare, Low Voltage electrical, Gas appliances, Food contact material, Detergents, Paints, Building material, Ceramic tiles, sanitary ware, Pumps,  Air compressors,  Food processing machines, Lubricants, Lead acid batteries, Spare parts, Personal Protective Equipment, Textiles, Cosmetics.

Among them, few were already implemented by DGSM as GSO Technical Regulations. The rest shall be implemented in 3 stages - first stage starts from March 1, 2025. The effective dates for the other 2 stages will be announced later.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/OMN/550

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