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Indonesia - Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No 14 of 2021 on The Implementation of Minimum Energy Performance Standard (SKEM) for Energy Utilizing Household

Indonesia Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources announced Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No 14 of 2021 on The Implementation of Minimum Energy Performance Standard (SKEM) for Energy Utilizing Household.

Minimum Energy Performance Standard (SKEM) is a specification that contains a number of minimum energy performance requirements under certain conditions which is meant to effectively limit the number pf maximum energy consumption allowed for energy use product.
Both domestic producers and importers are required to apply for SKEM on energy utilizing household products which will traded in Indonesia's market. The implementation of SKEM is proved by inclusion of SKEM label or Energy Saving label.
The Energy Saving Label is a label that states energy utilization equipment products have met the requirements of certain energy saving.
To carry out the inclusion of the SKEM mark or the inclusion of Energy Saving Label, domestic producers and importers are required to have Energy Saving Certificate issued by an Accredited or Appointed Product Certification Body through Energy Saving Certification.
Energy Saving Certificate is valid for 4 (four) years and can be extended.

Domestic producers and importers are required to submit reports every 3 (three) months regarding:
a. brand;
b. type, variant, or model;
c. capacity / power / volume / diameter; and
d. amount
of the production or imported Energy Utilization Products

When this Ministerial Regulation comes into force:

a. self-ballasted lamp test results from the laboratory tests that have been set before this regulation comes into force, is declared to remain valid for one-time application for Energy Saving Certificate;

b. Domestic manufacturer and importer of self-ballasted lamps which already has the determination of the test results before this Regulation comes into force, must submit application for issuance of Energy Saving Certificate according to the provisions in this Regulation no later than 12 (twelve) months since this Regulation comes into force;

c. Certificate of Energy Saving for Air Conditioning Appliances issued or stipulated before this Ministerial Regulation comes into force, is declared to remain valid until the term of the Energy Saving Certificate expires;

d. Product Certification Body that has been appointed before this Regulation comes into force, is declared to remain valid until the appointment time expires.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/IDN/135

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