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Indonesia - Draft Decree on Minimum Energy Performance Standard (SKEM) and Energy Saving Label for Electric Stove

​A draft decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (SKEM) and Energy Saving Label for electric stove was recently published on WTO. The draft decree consist of :
a. types of electric stoves;
b. energy saving rate value, shape, and specification of the Energy Saving Mark;
c. energy saving and testing certification type;
d. performance testing requirements and procedures;
e. exemption of energy-saving certification obligations;
f. non-conformance tolerance for test results.
The inclusion of the Energy Saving label originating from import products is done in the country of origin.  
The Energy Saving Label is affixed to or attached with not-easily removed material. The Energy Saving Label on the  packaging can be imprinted in a contrasting color. Refer to Appendix regarding the form and specifications of the Energy Saving Label.
Domestic manufacturers and importers of the electric stove  must submit a report application of Minimum Energy Performance Standards to the Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation periodically every 3 months which include:
a. brand;
b. type, variant, or model;
c. capacity;
d. power;
e. amount of production or imported electric stove.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/IDN/144

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