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GCC - G-Mark Platform Enhancements and QR Code Changes

​GSO announcement from September 2024 dated on December 4, 2024​:

As a result of recent GSO platform changes, the verification page addresses have been updated, leading to changes in the QR codes for GCTS (QR code) marking.

The GSO inform all economic operators that the existing QR codes remain valid and will continue to direct users to the appropriate verification pages. Therefore, there is no immediate need to update product packaging or labelling.

Manufacturers may continue using their current stock and transition to the new QR codes once the existing inventory is depleted.

Eonomic operators shall follow the general usage rules of the GCTS marking, please refer to the GSO published rules on their website: 

More about the update

pdf GSO Announcement 2024_09 G-Mark+Platform Enhancements and QR Code Changes-final - 20241204 Download

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