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EU - Reflection of the New Classification of CMR Substances in REACH Regulation

​Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/692 released in May last year amending the Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (the EU CLP Regulation) by introducing new harmonized classification and labelling of certain substances, including carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxicant (CMR) substances.

Entries 28, 29 and 30 of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (the EU REACH Regulation) prohibit the placing on the market and use for supply to the general public, of substances that are classified as CMR, categories 1A or 1B and listed in Appendices 1 to 6 to Annex XVII to REACH Regulation.

In order to reflect the new classification of substances as CMR in the CLP Regulation, appendices 2 and 6 to Annex XVII to REACH Regulation are also amended.

As the new classification of substances in CLP Regulation will apply from December 1, 2023, the restriction introduced into the REACH Regulation will also be applied on the same day.

Source Link: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/1132

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