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EU - ECHA Adds Two Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List

​ECHA has added two new chemicals to the Candidate List. One is toxic for reproduction and the other has very persistent and very bio accumulative hazardous properties. They are used, for example, in inks and toners and in the production of plastic products. 

1. Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)phosphine oxide
Toxic for reproduction (Article 57c)
​Uses: Inks and toners, coating products, photo-chemicals, polymers, adhesives and sealants and fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay.
2. Bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulphone
vPvB (Article 57 e)
Uses: Manufacture of chemicals, plastic products and rubber products.​​

The Candidate List of substances of very high concern now contains 235 entries for chemicals that can harm people or the environment. Companies are responsible for managing the risks of these chemicals and giving customers and consumers information on their safe use.

These substances may be placed on the Authorization List in the future. If a substance is on that list, its use will be prohibited unless companies apply for authorization and the European Commission authorizes them to continue its use.

Source Link: ECHA News

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