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Canada - Danger to Human Health or Safety Assessment for Portable Electric Heaters.

​Portable electric heaters have moved from “Table 1: Identification of hazards of concern" to “Table 2: Comment period for danger to human health or safety assessments" in the General Prohibitions process.  

Health Canada uses a 3-step process to determine whether a class of consumer products poses a danger to human health or safety:
- Table 1: Identification (Hazards of Concern);
- Table 2: Comment Period (Danger to Human Health or Safety Assessments); and
- Table 3: Determination (Notice of Danger to Human Health or Safety)Health

Canada is therefore proposing that all portable electric heaters in Canada must meet the following standards and testing criteria:
- CSA C22.2 NO. 46-13 (R2018) – Electric Air-Heaters, or CAN/CSA E60335-2-30:13 (R2018) – Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters (Adopted IEC/CEI 60335-2-30:2009, fifth edition, 2009-11, with Canadian deviations) or
- Performance criteria that are equivalent, as determined by Health Canada.

Health Canada defines a portable electric heater for this proposal as a cord-connected appliance that heats the surrounding air and/or objects, constructed for use in more than one location.

The proposal includes the following:
- All types of portable electric heaters, including but not limited to: convection heaters, fan-forced heaters, portable baseboard heaters, radiant heaters, liquid-filled radiator-style heaters.
- Portable electric heaters that can operate both mounted and freestanding.
- Portable electric heaters that incorporate other functions, such as fan-only modes and air cleaning.

And excludes the following:
- Permanently connected electric heaters. Fuel-burning heaters.

Health Canada invites stakeholders to provide comments during this consultation period from February 19, 2024 to May 19, 2024.

Health Canada will consider these comments when making a determination on whether there is a danger to human health or safety.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/CAN/716

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