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Brazil - Anatel Resolution No. 773, of January 16, 2025
Anatel approves the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radio Frequency Bands in Brazil.
Adds the Use of the Spectrum (approved by Resolution No. 671, from November 3, 2016), which states:
- Anatel will only assign radio frequencies for systems using time-division duplex methods if the service provider provides proof of coordination with other providers operating:
I. In the same or adjacent blocks in a bordering geographic area, including neighboring countries.
II. In adjacent blocks in the same geographic area.
Further stipulations include:
- The need for a guard strip between adjacent blocks as a coordination parameter.
- In case of unassigned blocks, providers must assure their system won't cause interference.
- If coordination fails, Anatel will arbitrate sharing conditions upon request.
Repeals Resolution No. 757 from November 8, 2022.
This Resolution enters into force on February 3, 2025.
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Anatel Resolution No. 773, of January 16, 2025